
martes, 23 de abril de 2019

Hailey Baldwin Responded to Trolls Who Said She’s Only ‘Happy’ Because of Justin Bieber’s Wealth

Hailey Baldwin recently shared some videos on her Instagram stories that showed her enjoying the “simple things in life.”  She received some criticism from people who were saying her wealth is the reason she’s so happy. Hailey Baldwin responded to Justin Bieber gold-digger claims, and people saying it’s his money that allows her to lead an extraordinary life. But Baldwin is having ~none of it.~

On her Instagram story, Baldwin originally shared a post writing, “Taking time to really be grateful for the smallest things in life goes a very long way for your soul. Never hurts to remind yourself to have gratitude, even for the littlest of things.” She continued, “Today I’m grateful to be sitting in the sunshine eating lunch…may not seem like the biggest deal but reminding myself how wonderful it is made me smile.” She wrapped up writing, “Thank you God for the little things…The smallest things in life will make you happy if you let them.”

Naturally, people took issue with her gratitude post. One upset user commented, “My husband is worth 265 million but it’s the little things that make me happy ha ha ha,” presumably speaking for Baldwin.  But the young model was not about to let that slide or be shamed into feeling guilty for Bieber’s success. She also made the point that money doesn’t equate happiness or fulfillment.

Instagram PhotoSource: Instagram

Baldwin responded, “Money doesn’t = happiness. At all. You can be the wealthiest person in the planet and be miserable. Not fair to judge people’s circumstances from the outside.. am I not allowed to be grateful to sit in the sunshine and enjoy my day like a regular person?”

And look—we agree. Baldwin makes a good point. She was thanking God and sitting outside to enjoy some sunshine. Can you blame her? The Instagram account who posted the screenshots of Baaldwin’s comments is definitely in Baldwin’s court writing, “f you do not have anything positive to say then keep your mouth shut. Hailey is working hard since the beginning of her career to make a living.
Also people often forget that money doesn’t buy happiness, as she said “you can be the wealthiest person in the planet and be miserable.”
The unnecessary hate needs to stop, @haileybieber keep living your best life and ignore what kiddos says on the internet. We love you ❤

You do you, Hails.

Instagram PhotoSource: Instagram

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