
lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2021

Your Weekly Horoscope Kicks Off With A Dreamy Full Moon

Your weekly horoscope for September 20-26 2021 is here. Is anyone else feeling a little dazed and confused? The full moon in Pisces opens this week and leaves us awash in the Fish’s nebulous waters. Things may feel a little diffuse, but such is the nature of Pisces. Being a harvest moon, Monday’s lunation is the perfect time to reflect upon the yields of the previous seasons and release what’s no longer serving you.

To confuse matters further, the moon conjuncts Neptune (planet of illusions), the transcendent ruler of Pisces, that same day, putting us all at risk of getting lost in the emotional sauce. To combat the confusion, look to your intuition rather than your logical mind; the latter may fall short.

Speaking of fall, the autumn equinox begins officially on Wednesday with the sun‘s (planet of ego) ingress into Libra. From then until late October, life may seem more balanced and beautiful than usual. Take advantage of the subtle aura of elegance. As usual, Scorpio season will rock everyone’s world!


How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

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Karma witches! What goes around finally comes around during the Pisces full moon on Monday, giving you the justice that you deserve. However, the full moon is in your privacy zone, so remember to take care of yourself while you’re getting your just desserts.

Two is better than one when the sun enters Libra on Wednesday. The sun will be in your partnership zone for the next few weeks, encouraging you to partner up whether for business or romance. You don’t always have to be a lone wolf, Aries. Trust us!

Especially since you can already see the results of teamwork when Mars in Libra trines Saturn in Aquarius on Saturday. Work with your friends to achieve a common goal. Don’t force your way into taking charge of the situation like you usually do. Instead, work together as a team, especially when it comes to humanitarian issues.



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

The harvest moon really makes dreams come true when the full moon is in Pisces on Monday. This magical moon can help bring you a windfall to fill you with hope for the future. Be inspired by your good fortune and pay it forward, Taurus.

As we enter a new season, take the time to focus on yourself when the sun enters Libra on Wednesday. The sun will be in your habit zone for the next four weeks, encouraging self-improvement, productivity, and sticking to your wellness routine. Focus on your health and the rest will fall into place.

The week ends with relationship problems when Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in your sign on Thursday. You may feel like someone in your life is holding you back. While it might be tempting to strike out on your own, you may need someone to lean on when life gets tough.



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Allow yourself to dream big when the full moon is in Pisces on Monday. The moon is in your career zone and shining its light on all your achievements. Don’t limit yourself when it comes to your ambitions. You have the power to achieve anything, Gemini, so fake it till you make it!

Get a little artistic as the seasons change when the sun enters Libra on Wednesday. The sun will be in your pleasure zone for the next few weeks, giving you a boost in creativity as you find new ways to show yourself off. This is a great time to play with your style, flirt, and entertain yourself without causing drama.

Follow your pleasure to new places when Mars in Libra trines Saturn in Aquarius on Saturday. Step outside your comfort zone with passion and you could discover something new about who you are and how you express yourself.



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Start the week by learning something new when the full moon is in Pisces on Monday. The moon is in your philosophy zone, so big ideas and fantasies inspire you. Let your dreams and feelings guide you on an adventure of emotional discovery.

Start putting up your fall decorations (if you haven’t already) when the sun enters Libra on Wednesday, officially beginning the autumn season. The sun will be in your home zone for the next four weeks, encouraging you to relax at home as you decorate your space, spend time with your family, and learn their history. Nurturing your inner child is a must!

Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus on Thursday, and after weeks of being on cloud nine, it’s time to focus on something other than fun—like your responsibilities? Reality gives you a rude awakening by showing you larger social problems. Lend a helping hand, Cancer.



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

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While it might be fun to dream about making major life changes, the full moon in Pisces on Monday might not be the wisest time to make them. Instead, use the power of the moon in your intimacy zone to start letting things go emotionally before you begin to take action.

On Wednesday, communication gets an extra boost when the sun enters Libra, shining its light in your communication zone. For the next few weeks, it will be easy to express your thoughts and feelings, even coming up with clever solutions to nagging problems. Your social calendar is open, so start planning some fun autumn activities.

If you’re having trouble reaching an agreement or having relationship problems, try talking it out when Mars in Libra trines Saturn in Aquarius on Saturday. Use your words to passionately argue your point of view. Stand by your convictions, but don’t be needlessly stubborn.



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your week begins on a peaceful note during the Pisces full moon on Monday. The full moon shines its light in your partnership zone, making it an ideal day for relationships and smoothing over any quarrels you may have. Find harmony in all your connections, Virgo.

As the seasons change, focus on your financial situation and material security when the sun leaves your sign for Libra on Wednesday. The sun moves into your value zone at the fall equinox. Over the next four weeks, organize your finances, balance your checkbook, and get your life together! This is a period to invest not only your money but also in yourself.

However, the week ends on a tense note when Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus on Thursday. Communication gets heated when you have an opinion that everyone disagrees with. Tread lightly or this could be unpleasant.



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Begin the week by being extra productive when the full moon is in Pisces on Monday. The moon is in your habit zone, making it an ideal night for self-improvement as you visualize your ideal self. Spend the day taking care of yourself the same way you usually take care of others, Libra.

Your season begins with an equinox when the sun enters your sign on Wednesday, giving you a major boost of confidence. You’re ready to jump-start any new projects with ease. Change your look by getting a haircut, updating your fall wardrobe, and being creative with your style.

End the week with the possibility of romance when Mars in your sign trines Saturn in Aquarius on Saturday, giving you an extra desire for pleasure. This is a great day for romance, new beginnings, and growing as a creative person. Take a small gamble for fun.



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your week begins on a creative note during the full moon in Pisces on Monday. The full moon is shining in your pleasure zone that night, bringing your muse out from the shadows and giving you an artistic boost. Express your emotions using your preferred medium.

Starting Wednesday, it might be best to keep a low profile when the sun enters Libra. It will be in your privacy zone for the next few weeks, bringing up some emotional wounds you’ve been hiding. Clear yourself of all the mental stress, and actively strive for balance in your life, which might mean taking solitary autumn walks and canceling plans.

Thursday adds more stress when Venus in your sign opposes Uranus in Taurus, creating a tug-of-war between your desire to be in a relationship and a longing to go your own way. Remind yourself that relationships don’t need to follow the rules.



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Seek out your emotional security blanket during the full moon in Pisces on Monday. We’re getting into scary movie season, and with the moon in your home zone, your world might start to feel like a haunted house. Take care of yourself and surround yourself with comfort.

Keep your social calendar handy because it’s about to fill up when the sun enters Libra on Wednesday, shining its light in your friendship zone for the next four weeks. It’s easy to become the life of any party because people are drawn to your aura and eager to make your acquaintance.

However, don’t forget about your old friends too, because you’re going to need your ride-or-die crew when Mars in Libra trines Saturn in Aquarius on Saturday. If you’re feeling stressed to the max, talk it out with friends over some apple cider and get to the heart of the issue.



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Take a break from the stress by taking a short trip during the Pisces full moon on Monday. The full moon is in your communication zone, encouraging you to get out of your regular routine to help you see things clearly and gain some inspiration. Invite your siblings or friends to join you for some fun conversation.

Then it’s back to hustling when the sun enters Libra on Wednesday. The sun will be shining in your career zone, bringing extra focus to your work and public image over the next four weeks. By being ambitious, you could receive more prestigious opportunities as long as you keep grinding.

This drive for success only increases when Mars in Libra trines Saturn in Aquarius on Saturday, especially if there’s a chance for financial gain. Keep working toward your goals and you might even receive some material rewards for your efforts.



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

A possible windfall is in your future during the Pisces full moon on Monday, bringing some extra money into your life. With the full moon shining in your value zone, you could get this financial boost in the form of a promotion or through personal resources. The harvest moon can also give you a boost of self-esteem to remind you that you are priceless.

A new season means new opportunities for self-discovery when the sun enters Libra on Wednesday, moving into your philosophy zone. For the next few weeks, your developing curiosity helps expand your worldview. Don’t be afraid to ask big questions that have complex answers.

By expanding your mind, you’re also gaining maturity when Mars in Libra trines Saturn in Aquarius on Saturday. Use the knowledge you’ve gained through experience to push past barriers to achieve great things. There’s no limit to what you can learn!



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your week begins on a high note with the full moon in your sign on Monday. In the light of the harvest moon, you’re truly feeling yourself as you step into your power. Treat yourself to some fun and allow yourself to get lost in your daydreams.

The fall equinox on Wednesday brings some personal transformation along with the changing seasons when the sun enters Libra. The sun will be in your intimacy zone for the next few weeks, bringing up a desire for growth. Whether it’s your wardrobe or a relationship, look at what you’re dissatisfied with and change it.

You have a lot of opinions that need to be expressed when Venus in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus on Thursday, so share them. Use the knowledge you’ve gained from your relationships to discuss your passionate ideas with others. You might even change a few minds, Pisces.


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