
miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2021

Aries, Your November Horoscope Predicts Some Major Career Growth

It’s time to embrace your resilience. After all, your Aries November 2021 horoscope begins with a powerful opportunity to cut the cords that are still tying you to your past. As a new moon sends magic to your eighth house of debts and settlements on November 4, the cosmos are encouraging you to tie up loose ends that have been holding you back from making the commitments that inspire you!

By November 5, you’ll be in a beautiful position to further your career in the most glamorous way. As Venus enters your 10th house of reputation, you may feel inspired to accomplish things that get the whole world talking about you! And once Mercury enters your intuitive eighth house on Nov. 5, you’ll find yourself staying a few steps ahead of everyone else. You’ll also find it easy to see the best path forward, helping you plan and strategize!

However, by November 10, you may run into disagreements with your friends and colleagues as a Mercury-Mars conjunction squares off with Saturn. Getting others to agree to your ideas and viewpoints may feel like moving mountains, but don’t get discouraged. You’re ahead of your time! All it takes is changing one person’s mind to create a domino effect.

Make sure to prioritize your spiritual needs by November 12. As the sun forms a trine with Neptune, you’ll feel the urge to let go of your ego and embrace the idea that love is all around you! Take a break from conflicts and complications as you allow yourself to heal through activities like meditation, creativity and journaling.

By November 19, you may have some major revelations about your finances and where they stand. As a lunar eclipse sends lightning to your second house of disposable income, you may come away with a renewed perspective of how to manage your money. Let this eclipse show you that, while money comes and goes, your ability to rely on yourself will always remain.

When Sagittarius season begins on November 21, you’d better put your hands in the air like you just don’t care! This is when the sun will send fireworks to your adventurous ninth house, encouraging you to get out there, forge new experiences and try something new. Do what makes you feel alive!

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