
lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2021

Your Weekly Horoscope Brings Overwhelming Scorpionic Energy

Hello, Lover! Your weekly horoscope for November 8-14 2021 is here. November trudges on, and now three planets sit in psychological Scorpio. If the vibe has already felt overwhelming, prepare yourself for more heat.

On Wednesday, Mercury (planet of communication) in Scorpio conjoins Mars (planet of action) in the same sign, possibly instigating exchanges that end up more passionate than intended. After all, Scorpionic energy isn’t the politest, so be on the lookout for sharp words and tension. However, Mars’ work is far from over.

On that same day, the planet of action begins a square with Saturn in Aquarius. If you find yourself feeling a little more listless this week, blame it on Wednesday’s astro-weather. We’re all sure to be feeling a little out of sorts.

Fortunately, Friday brings us a sweet trine between the sun in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. If you’ve felt your creative energy to be on the fritz, this weekend is an ideal period to return to your art and/or hobbies, as Neptune offers a well of inspiration.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

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Pay extra attention to your dreams right now, Aries, because they may be trying to tell you something important when Pallas goes direct in Pisces on Monday. With the asteroid moving in the right direction through your private zone, you can become more connected to your spiritual side as your intuition increases. Trust yourself.

Wednesday brings potential drama when Mars in Scorpio forms a square with Saturn in Aquarius, especially if you have a crush on one of your friends. Sure, a friends-with-benefits situation can be fun, but your burning-hot feelings could blow up in your face and ruin your friend group.

Besides, you have more important things to worry about when Juno enters Capricorn this weekend. The asteroid of commitment enters your career zone, encouraging you to take on more responsibilities at your job and become more ambitious. Perfect your image to get what you want.



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

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If you’ve been nursing a crush on someone, Wednesday is the perfect day to ask them out when Mercury forms a conjunction with Mars in Scorpio. This aspect is in your partnership zone, encouraging you to find someone to spend cuffing season with.

Saturday brings major conflicts when Mercury opposes Uranus in your sign, making it difficult to reach a compromise. You don’t want to sacrifice your independence and freedom, but you are looking for a steady partnership. Try to find a balance that will make you happy.

As the most stubborn zodiac sign, you are pretty devoted to your opinions once you’ve decided on them, but when Juno enters Capricorn over the weekend, your devotion could be put to the test with the asteroid in your philosophy zone. You might need to reexamine your views on important issues. It’s okay to change your mind, Taurus.



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

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As we hit the November blues, you might feel like you’re stuck in a rut when Mercury in Scorpio forms a square with Saturn in Aquarius on Wednesday, making it difficult to focus on any task, especially if you discover that important plans have been canceled. Try to get back into your routine without getting distracted or discouraged.

Tension continues to rise when Mercury opposes Uranus in Taurus on Saturday, creating a day of unexpected—and often unpleasant—surprises as you try to figure out a way to heal from your past and move on. Be patient, Gemini.

Sunday brings the possibility of relationship transformation when Juno enters Capricorn, moving into your intimacy zone. Relationships could transform from one phase to another as you form a stronger bond with those around you. Trust becomes very important, so find out where your loyalties lie before making a serious commitment.



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

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Reawaken your interest in the magical and mystical on Monday when Pallas goes direct in Pisces, moving forward in your philosophy zone. Wise Pallas brings out your spiritual side, Cancer, making it an ideal time to learn about chakras, Reiki healing, crystals, or more about your own culture.

Wednesday brings creative passion when Mercury forms a conjunction with Mars in Scorpio. This aspect is in your pleasure zone, making it an ideal time to indulge in your favorite artistic hobbies, have a romantic date night, or take a gamble on a wild idea. It could pay off.

By the end of the week, it’s a good time to make important deals before the holiday season leaves everything in limbo when Juno enters Capricorn on Sunday, moving into your partnership zone. Now is a great time to make a major commitment, including a romantic relationship, job offer, or financial matter.



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

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As we get closer to the holiday season, family drama continues to rise, especially when Mercury in Scorpio forms a square with Saturn in Aquarius on Wednesday. When your family treats you like a child, it might be tempting to lash out, but that will only prove them right. Hold your tongue, Leo.

Instead, turn your attention inward as you focus on your emotional growth when the sun in Scorpio forms a trine with Neptune in Pisces on Friday. Get reconnected with your spiritual side as you reinvent yourself and start over before the new year. Become a phoenix!

Keep it going when Juno enters Capricorn on Sunday, moving into your habit zone. Dedicate your energy to self-improvement as you create goals that will help you become the best version of yourself. You will have the extra discipline to get things done, so be productive at this time.



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

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Your mind begins to move a little faster when Mercury forms a conjunction with Mars in Scorpio on Wednesday. This aspect is in your communication zone, putting you ten steps ahead of everyone. Use your cunning to make big plans that you can achieve easily with a little intelligence and creativity.

However, don’t get too cocky, Virgo. Mercury opposes Uranus in Taurus on Saturday, serving you up some humble pie when you realize that you may have been wrong about an issue. Move past embarrassment to open your mind to new ideas.

Your week ends on a pleasurable note when Juno enters Capricorn on Sunday, moving into your pleasure zone. Over the next few weeks, pleasure can come from the act of creation as you focus on your artistic talents. You could also quickly fall head over heels with someone during this time. Enjoy!



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

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Your week begins with a very productive start when Pallas goes direct in Pisces on Monday, moving forward in your habit zone. Wise Pallas can help you develop routines that will lead you to be successful, especially if you’re working independently or on creative projects. Trust your intuition, Libra.

While you work on your creative endeavors, focus on the joy they give you, not on any material gain they might bring you. On Wednesday, Mars in Scorpio forms a square with Saturn in Aquarius, tempting you to monetize your creations. However, if you don’t do something with passion, it isn’t going to work.

As we get closer to winter, you could start feeling like a homebody when Juno enters Capricorn on Sunday, moving into your family zone. Over the next few weeks, you might become very attached to your home and keeping your family as close as possible as you prepare for winter.



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

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Start the week by getting very social when Mercury and Mars conjoin in your sign on Wednesday, making it an ideal day to meet new people. You can make a great first impression with your charm and passion, so use your dazzling nature to your advantage, Scorpio.

Have some fun this weekend when the sun in your sign forms a trine with Neptune in Pisces on Friday, encouraging you to find pleasure by just being yourself. This is a great day to pick up a new hobby, change your style, or let your imagination take you away.

Sunday brings out your inner strategist when Juno enters Capricorn, moving into your communication zone. Your brilliant ideas and rapid-fire wit can help you make important deals and impress the right people. This is a great time to get contracts in writing, take short business trips, and earn people’s loyalty.



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

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Get into the holiday season a little early by decorating your space. On Monday, Pallas goes direct in Pisces, moving forward in your home zone. This is a great time to refresh your space to make it cozy and comforting, especially if you aren’t going home for the upcoming holidays.

Wednesday brings stress when Mercury in Scorpio forms a square with Saturn in Aquarius, making it difficult to put your complex internal feelings into words. People may not get what you’re trying to say, making you feel isolated. Try different methods of communication like writing or art.

The green-eyed monster could come out to play when Juno enters Capricorn on Sunday, moving into your value zone. You could drive yourself mad comparing your life with others’, negatively affecting your self-esteem. Try to look at the positives in your life and show gratitude when you can, Sagittarius.



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

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Indecision brings added tension to your life when Mars in Scorpio forms a square with Saturn in Aquarius on Wednesday. You want to help out with social causes, but you aren’t sure how to do it. Find ways to help where you can, like donating money.

Tension also rises in your social group when Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus on Saturday. When a friend yucks your yum, you might feel guilty about your guilty pleasure. Go against the grain and enjoy what you enjoy, Capricorn, even if you have to do it solo.

Extra responsibilities might be added to your life when Juno enters your sign on Sunday. No worries. You love responsibility! Over the next several weeks, you could find yourself making some important long-term commitments like signing a new job contract, getting a tattoo, or even getting engaged. You’re in it for the long haul.



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

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Yikes! Your work/life balance gets out of sorts when Mercury in Scorpio forms a square with Saturn in your sign on Wednesday, making your job increasingly demanding. Keep your boundaries intact and push back when work threatens to take over your life.

Fortunately, the week gets better when the sun in Scorpio forms a trine with Neptune in Pisces on Friday. Something that you’ve been working toward is finally within reach. This milestone can help boost your self-esteem and add emotional and monetary value to your life. Bask in your glory, Aquarius!

As we get closer to the end of the year, you could start to see a lot of other endings in your life, starting when Juno enters Capricorn on Sunday, moving into your privacy zone. Over the next several weeks, let go of former commitments that are no longer serving you and focus on healing and growth.



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

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Follow your dreams, Pisces. They might lead you to some incredible places when Pallas turns direct in Pisces on Monday. Now that you have Pallas moving forward in your sign, you can get a boost of intuition, creativity, and wisdom to help you through the next several weeks.

If you can believe it, you can do it when the sun in Scorpio forms a trine with Neptune in your sign on Friday, encouraging you to use your intuition to guide you right now as you move toward your goals. Don’t be afraid to dream big. Anything is possible with a little faith.

Sunday brings opportunities for stronger friendships when Juno enters Capricorn, moving into your social zone. Casual friendship can become serious when loyalty is tested and earned over the next several weeks. You might even have to work with them on long projects, bringing you closer together.


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