
lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2021

Your Weekly Horoscope Is Here To Keep The Truth-Seekers On Their Toes

Welcome to your weekly horoscope for November 15-21 2021, honey! It’s another busy week as November really makes an effort to keep all of us on our toes. We start with asteroid Vesta entering Sagittarius midweek. Vesta, the keeper of the spiritual flame, really heats up in a fire sign, leaving us hungry for adventure as we seek the truth around us.

Then we start the weekend with a full moon and lunar eclipse in Taurus on Friday. This is going to be a rather intense full moon because eclipses can make us rather moody as we finish up romantic and financial matters. Expect some emotional outbursts, especially if any changes feel sudden.

You can end the week by packing your bags because we enter Sagittarius season when the sun enters the sign of the Archer on Sunday. Over the next four weeks, you can feel more optimistic about the world and take a happy-go-lucky approach to life as you dash off on your next adventure.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

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Your wanderlust becomes insatiable when Vesta enters Sagittarius and your travel zone midweek, inspiring you to expand your horizons and understand the world from a different perspective. However, if you can’t travel very far, satisfy your need for adventure by exploring the hidden wonders of your own city or community.

Yikes, Aries! The week takes a sharp turn during the full moon and lunar eclipse in Taurus on Friday, which occur in your value zone. If you’re feeling less than loved, don’t throw a tantrum and demand that people pay attention to you. Instead, learn to find self-worth that doesn’t come from outside validation.

Spend the rest of the weekend making personal discoveries when the sun enters Sagittarius on Sunday. The sun will be in your philosophy zone for the next four weeks, encouraging you to learn more about yourself. It’s an ideal time to visit home, do some journaling, or practice meditation.



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

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Self-transformation can come in many forms, Taurus. Something you’ll learn very quickly when Vesta enters Sagittarius and your intimacy zone midweek. You are dedicated to changing your life for the better, though it might be difficult to break old habits, especially when the transformation gets a little messy and alienating.

After being put on the sidelines, you’re finally ready to take what you deserve during the full moon and lunar eclipse in your sign on Friday. Don’t let your temper get the better of you. You’ll get what you want by using your charm, not by being a bully.

Sunday brings more potential life changes when the sun enters Sagittarius, shining its light in your intimacy zone. The next four weeks could feel like a potential rebirth as new discoveries and financial shifts force you to grow and change. Let go of the past as you find your way forward.



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

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This week has a sensual note when Vesta enters Sagittarius and your partnership zone on Wednesday. You aspire to share your life or business with a partner, so this is an ideal time to enter commitments and relationships. Take a leap of faith, Gemini.

But it might not all be smooth sailing with the full moon and lunar eclipse in Taurus on Friday. The eclipse is in your privacy zone, making it an intense day. Do yourself a favor and stay home, especially if you’ve had a stressful few weeks. You need some alone time or you might explode!

But then love is in the air again when the sun enters Sagittarius on Sunday, shining its light in your partnership zone and making life feel like a cheesy rom-com. Over the next four weeks, try connecting with your partner on a different level as you shift your thinking from “me” to “we.”



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

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Self-discipline is your personal theme for the next few weeks, starting with Vesta entering Sagittarius and your habit zone midweek. Vesta encourages you to set boundaries to make your life happier and healthier. Remember, it’s okay to say no to things that make you unhappy!

Keep this in mind on Friday when your empathic nature could get the better of you during the full moon and lunar eclipse in Taurus. The eclipse is in your social zone, making you feel all the injustices of the world. Stay grounded by respecting your boundaries. You can’t save the world, Cancer, just yourself.

It’s almost 2022, so get started on working toward being your best self when the sun enters Sagittarius on Sunday. The sun will be in your habit zone for the next four weeks, encouraging you to work on yourself mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually so you can rock the new year.



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

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Let your freak flag fly when Vesta enters Sagittarius midweek, placing the asteroid of the inner flame in your pleasure zone. Now is a great time to get more adventurous as you focus on what brings you joy. However, don’t alienate yourself from loved ones and neglect obligations while chasing an indulgent high.

You’re finally in the spotlight you crave, Leo, but maybe not for the reasons you’d hoped. The Taurus full moon and lunar eclipse on Friday are in your career zone, creating possibilities for public embarrassment or job loss. Try to grin and bear it as you deal with the fallout.

Fortunately, the week ends on a happy note when the sun enters Sagittarius on Sunday. Your ruling planet will be in your pleasure zone for the next four weeks, bringing you plenty of fun and excitement. It’s time to nurture your creative talents, go back to school, go on dates, or spend time with children.



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

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As we get deeper into chilly November, you start feeling like a homebody when Vesta enters Sagittarius midweek, moving into your home zone. Step outside your comfort zone, from redecorating your space to calling a family member you fell out with. Be brave, Virgo.

Especially on Friday when your personal beliefs could be tested during the full moon and lunar eclipse in Taurus and your philosophy zone. If you’ve been stubbornly set in your ways, you could have the rude awakening that you’re not always right (at least about this one issue).

Start making your way home for the holidays on Sunday when the sun enters Sagittarius, moving into your family zone for the next four weeks. The comforts of home can really lift your spirits. If you’re unable to travel, start some family traditions in your own space and feel the



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

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Start the week by making important deals and getting them in writing when Vesta enters Sagittarius midweek. Vesta is in your communication zone, putting your natural diplomacy to good use when negotiating. Just make sure you dot the i’s and cross your t’s before signing anything.

Friday’s lunar eclipse in Taurus can bring you some anxiety and stress when the full moon is in your intimacy zone. It can be difficult to feel safe when your life feels so out of balance. You might need to ask for financial help to feel stable again.

Sunday brings self-expression and bright ideas when the sun enters Sagittarius and your communication zone. Over the next four weeks, you’ll be hungry for knowledge and discoveries. Start making your travel plans now because you’re eager to get moving, whether you’re visiting siblings or close friends or just traveling for fun.



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

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Get that bag this week, Scorpio. Money is on your mind starting when Vesta enters Sagittarius and your value zone midweek. As you aspire to great wealth and abundant personal resources, this is a good time to start a new career or just make some better financial choices. Every penny counts!

Tempers flare on Friday during the Taurus full moon and lunar eclipse in your partnership zone. Your happy partnership could blow up in front of you as relationships hit their breaking point. Avoid fighting and temper tantrums if you want to save your relationship.

After four glorious weeks, your season comes to an end when the sun shines its light in Sagittarius on Sunday. However, it’s not all doom and gloom because the sun will be in your value zone for the next four weeks to bring some positive vibes to your finances. This is a great time to start earning money and put more in your savings account before 2022.



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

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It’s your week to shine, Sagittarius. Vesta enters your sign midweek, adding kindling to your inner flame and getting you excited to start projects and take on new commitments. However, make sure you take it slowly so you don’t burn out.

Use the energy of the full moon and lunar eclipse in Taurus on Friday to break any bad habits you may have picked up during the last year, even if it seems impossible. The full moon is in your habit zone, encouraging you to get out of any vicious cycle like smoking, procrastination, or texting an ex. It ends tonight.

Your season officially begins when the sun shines its light in your sign on Sunday. It will stay here for the next four weeks, boosting your confidence. Use these good vibes to try some new things, whether you want to change your hairstyle, try a new hobby, or do some traveling.



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

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After a busy few weeks, the last thing you want to do is socialize this week, especially when Vesta enters Sagittarius and your privacy zone midweek. Cancel any nonessential plans and focus on inner healing and reconnecting with yourself.

Pleasure seeking can border on the hedonistic during the Taurus full moon and lunar eclipse in your pleasure zone on Friday. The full moon can bring out big emotions that you might not know what to do with. Try channeling those feelings into creative activities like painting or writing instead of blowing up at people.

It’s time to bring in some good vibrations when the sun enters Sagittarius and your privacy zone on Sunday. Over the next four weeks, focus on getting rid of the mental stress in your life and moving forward with healing and closure. Now is a great time to read, take long walks, or practice yoga. Just breathe, Capricorn.



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

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You want to make the world a better place, Aquarius, so let your inner humanitarian shine through when Vesta enters Sagittarius and your social zone midweek. Now is a great time to commit yourself to helping humanity. This can manifest in volunteer work, learning about important issues, or joining a worthy cause.

Friday could bring some intense family drama with the full moon and lunar eclipse in Taurus and your home zone casting light on major issues. Tension will be extremely high, and it would be easy to get into nasty fights, especially about money and responsibilities. Keep your cool by finding some alone time to decompress.

Fortunately, the sun entering Sagittarius on Sunday can help you take your mind off things because the sun will be shining in your social zone for the next four weeks. This is the perfect time to break away from routine as you spend more time with friends and help the community.



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

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This week brings out your ambitious side because you’re ready to get what you want and commit to your goals, starting midweek when Vesta enters Sagittarius and your career zone. What do you want to be known for, Pisces? You’ll be unstoppable once you discover the answer to that question.

The full moon and lunar eclipse in Taurus on Friday bring you some restless energy because everything feels too slow. The full moon is in your communication zone and making your mind move more quickly than your body, creating some frustration. Take a deep breath. You don’t have to rush!

You’ll have plenty of time to achieve your goals as the sun enters Sagittarius on Sunday, moving into your career zone. For the next four weeks, you’ll have the drive, passion, and optimism to reach your biggest objectives, so don’t be afraid to ask for a promotion, raise, or more opportunities at work.


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