
lunes, 4 de octubre de 2021

Your Weekly Horoscope Brings A New Moon, Retrograde Drama & More

Bienvenue to the first full week of October and your weekly horoscope for October 4-10 2021! Break out your most frightening décor and get on top of your costume shopping! ‘Tis (almost) the season of tricks and treats. But fear not; Wednesday gives us the new moon in Libra, sweetening an otherwise spooky time. Though the new moon is mid-week, it offers the perfect opportunity to engage in a little TLC and a bit of manifestation (new moons are the best time to bring in the new).

Additionally, Libra’s ruling planet of love, Venus, slides out of mysterious Scorpio into wandering Sagittarius on Thursday. This transit may fire up your sense of adventure and push you to consider activities (or potential boos) outside of your norm.

Even better, the retrograde planet count drops to a still-stressful five on Sunday as Saturn (planet of limitations) in Aquarius returns to its direct motion. Admittedly, Saturn isn’t the easiest planet, but things are a little more orderly when it’s direct.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

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If Mercury’s retrograde is dragging you down, the new moon in Libra on Wednesday may help you out. The new moon is in your partnership zone, helping you repair any relationship that has been damaged by your blunt words. This is an ideal day for reaching agreements, cooperating, or meeting your better half.

Then you come down with a case of wanderlust when Venus enters Sagittarius on Thursday. The planet of love will be in your expansion zone for the next four weeks, pulling you toward adventure and tempting you to book plane tickets. However, make sure your wallet is expanding too, not just your spending.

Finally, turn your dreams into reality when Saturn in Aquarius goes direct on Sunday, moving forward in your social zone. After a summer of daydreaming, it’s time to get to work! Enlist the help of your friends and you’ll be an unstoppable force!



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

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If Mercury’s latest retrograde has thrown off your daily routine, you may have an opportunity to fix it when the new moon is in Libra on Wednesday. The new moon in your routine zone encourages you to find balance in your life, from exercise to extra sleep. A new routine can reharmonize your life and increase your productivity.

Relationships gain depth when Venus enters Sagittarius on Thursday. Your ruling planet will be in your intimacy zone for the next few weeks, encouraging deep conversation, personal growth, and exploring some taboos. You don’t have time for shallow relationships when you’re walking on the wild side.

Playtime is over when Saturn goes back in direct in your career zone on Sunday. After a relaxing few months, you’re back on track with your ambitions. Get ready to tackle goals and solve problems at work. Stay patient and keep grinding, Taurus.



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

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After weeks of creative block, you could finally have a breakthrough during the new moon in Libra on Wednesday. The moon in your pleasure zone encourages you to spend the night channeling your frustration into creative projects. It doesn’t have to be good, Gemini, just the act of creation will make you feel much better.

These good vibes continue when Venus enters Sagittarius on Thursday, moving into your partnership zone. Whether you’re single or already in a relationship, the next few weeks are gonna be all about LOVE. Focus on your important partnerships as you make and build solid relationships, not make enemies with gossip.

However, this isn’t a great time for any serious commitments when Ceres goes into retrograde in your sign over the weekend. During this retrograde, take time to really learn about yourself—how to take care of your body and how to love yourself best.



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

October has a reputation for being spooky, but there’s nothing scarier than family drama, something you’ll have to deal with when the new moon is in Libra on Wednesday. The moon in your family zone encourages you to take on the role of peacekeeper. Try finding balance before your home turns into a haunted house.

Your caretaking role continues when Venus enters Sagittarius on Thursday, moving into your habit zone. During the next few weeks, you might have to do some traveling to take care of loved ones. Focus on developing healthy coping methods, and pack some self-help books for the flight. Trust us.

Especially when Ceres going into retrograde in Gemini and your privacy zone over the weekend. Now is a good time to explore your inner depths in private. Don’t do a lot of personal sharing right now—you need some “me” time.



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

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Even though Mercury is still in retrograde, you’ll have opportunities to get your thoughts together when the new moon is in Libra on Wednesday. The moon in your communication zone encourages you to express your ideas using unique methods. If carving pumpkins helps you communicate your thoughts, do it!

Keep the creative spirit going when Venus enters Sagittarius on Thursday. The planet of love will be in your pleasure zone for the next few weeks, making you seek out creativity and unique forms of self-expression. This is a good time to learn a new hobby or fall in love while traveling.

After a summer of stubbornness, it’s time to be a team player when Saturn in Aquarius goes into direct on Sunday, moving forward in your partnership zone. This is an ideal time to work with others to achieve success and not try to do it all on your own.


STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

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Okay, Virgo, maybe you spent a little too much money buying cute Halloween-themed clothes and décor. However, you’ll have an opportunity to balance your budget when the new moon is in Libra and your value zone on Wednesday. Spend the night studying your finances so you can get back on track before the holiday season.

Home is where the heart is even if it’s far away. That’s right, holiday travel starts early for you when Venus enters Sagittarius on Thursday, moving into your family zone. Over the next few weeks, you might have opportunities to reconnect with family members from all over.

The weekend brings drive and career ambitions when Ceres goes into retrograde in Gemini. During this retrograde, you could become focused on getting ahead in your career to the point of seeing your co-workers as competitors. While it’s important to work hard, don’t be cruel to get ahead.



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Start the week with major opportunities for self-care when the new moon is in your sign on Wednesday. The power of the moon can increase your self-awareness, allowing you to see what you need to work on right now. More sleep? More exercise? A lover? Find out, Libra.

Despite Mercury’s retrograde, you’ll have plenty of opportunities for deep and meaningful conversations with loved ones when Venus enters Sagittarius on Thursday. Your ruling planet will be in your communication zone for the next few weeks, encouraging you to plan a fun fall getaway with your friends to enjoy the foliage and make some memories.

Good vibes continue to come your way when Saturn goes back into direct on Sunday, moving forward in your pleasure zone. This is the perfect time for thinking outside the box when it comes to solving problems and finding ways to increase the joy in your life.



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

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Start the week by staying in during the Libra new moon on Wednesday. The moon in your privacy zone brings the ghosts of your past to the surface. As you deal with these heavy emotions, try finding ways to cope without drowning in them.

On Thursday, Venus leaves your sign for Sagittarius. This planet will be in your value zone for the next few weeks, making you long for safety and stability in your job, relationships, and home. However, don’t get so focused on what’s “safe” that you forget to live, Scorpio.

If you’ve been dealing with some family tension over the last few months, you might feel that stress ease when Saturn goes into direct on Sunday. Now that Saturn is moving forward in your family zone, this is an ideal time to think about settling down in life, whether you’re buying a home, getting married, or starting a family.



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Start the week by fighting injustice when the new moon is in Libra on Wednesday. The moon in your social zone brings out your inner advocate. Whether you’re working on a cause you believe in or helping a friend, use your moral compass and look for ways to make this a fairer world.

After helping others, you can focus on yourself when Venus enters your sign on Thursday. This is an ideal time to change up your look, from Halloween costumes to a major haircut. This is also a great time to look for love because everyone will be attracted to you. Enjoy the attention!

Sunday brings puzzles for you to solve when Saturn goes into direct, moving forward in your communication zone. You can now look at problems from a logical viewpoint, so think outside the box and put in the effort to find solutions.



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Okay, it’s time to do some damage control, Capricorn. Mercury’s retrograde has been rough on your reputation, and the rumors are starting to hurt. Fortunately, the Libra new moon in your career zone allows you to fix your image and repair your relationships, especially if your work/life balance has been off. Remember to be nice!

Your intuition increases on Thursday when Venus enters Sagittarius, moving into your subconscious zone. For the next few weeks, you may have a better understanding of the world and the people around you. Use this increased intuition to your advantage, especially if you want to win people over.

Unfortunately, Sunday brings some extra stress when Saturn goes direct in Aquarius, moving forward in your value zone. Sudden money problems could come up that require your attention. Try to solve them with some strict and savvy budgeting as you think of ways to expand your financial resources.



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Get lost in your thoughts and open your mind when the new moon is in Libra on Wednesday. The moon in your philosophy zone encourages you to dig deep and explore your morals, understandings, and beliefs. You could even have an epiphany.

Keep your social calendar open because you’re going to get very busy, starting when Venus enters Sagittarius and your friendship zone on Thursday. This is an ideal time for doing cute autumn group activities with your friends, from apple picking to going on a ghost hunting tour. Hey, you might make some otherworldly friends.

After four and a half months of being in retrograde, Saturn in your sign finally goes into direct on Sunday. Now that Saturn is moving forward, this is a great time to work on yourself, whether you’re taking care of your body, making a good impression, or just doing more adulting.



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Your week begins with big emotional changes during the new moon in Libra on Wednesday. The moon in your intimacy zone brings a lot of emotions to the surface. These emotions can lead to internal transformation as you decide what and who you want in your life.

After an emotional night, start packing your bags when Venus enters Sagittarius on Thursday. The planet of love in your career zone brings opportunities for travel for your work. From overseas business trips to attending conferences, you could make connections that help you with your career. Keep networking!

You might want to keep traveling because the weekend brings some family drama when Ceres goes into retrograde in Gemini. After a heated fight, it might be best to distance yourself from toxic family members who bring you stress. Don’t let yourself be guilted into staying in unhealthy relationships just because they’re blood.


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