
lunes, 11 de octubre de 2021

Your Weekly Horoscope Predicts A Painful Realization

Hi, Queen! Your weekly horoscope for October 11-17 2021 has arrived. October’s coming along swimmingly—is it not? With the abundance of air, it’s felt (mostly) smooth sailing. This week is no exception. On Wednesday, Venus in Sagittarius begins a sextile to Saturn (planet of limitations) in Aquarius, slowing the roll of an otherwise flighty placement. Sagittarius asks that we seek out novelty wherever the planet of love beckons, but the Saturnian energy reminds us to come home when the adventure’s done.

The sweetness continues with the sun’s (planet of ego) trine to Jupiter (planet of expansion) on Friday, implying positive feelings surrounding the self and ego. It’s additionally an ideal day to jump into a new field of study, so seize the day!

Unfortunately, no week is without its more tumultuous astro-weather. The Libra sun’s square to Pluto in Capricorn on Sunday acts as the week’s raincloud, forcing some painful realizations and struggles. Sure, it may be a little rough, but thunderstorms don’t last forever.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

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Start the week with an open mind when Venus in Sagittarius sextiles Saturn in Aquarius, allowing you to meet people from all walks of life and learn more about the human experience. This can unleash the inner activist in you, so look for ways to get involved in humanitarian efforts and help others.

You can achieve this more quickly if you team up with others to help you in your mission when the sun in Libra trines Jupiter in Aquarius on Friday. Gather your friends and do some volunteer work, organize a fundraiser or food drive, start a petition, or participate in a protest. Work together to make a difference.

Keep being social this weekend when Mercury in Libra sextiles Venus on Sunday, offering an excellent opportunity to make important connections and expand your worldview. You might even meet a future travel companion today.



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

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Though we’re still in the lovely glow of October, you might start thinking ahead when Venus in Sagittarius sextiles Saturn in Aquarius on Wednesday, making you realize that your current flame is someone you want to settle down and spend the winter with. This is an intimate day when you can connect and look forward to the future.

After weeks of hard work and productivity, you could finally get rewarded in your career when the sun in Libra trines Jupiter in Aquarius on Friday. This reward may manifest in making important business connections, getting publicly praised, or completing a major milestone.

However, don’t hustle too hard. Especially when the sun squares Pluto in Capricorn on Sunday, making you realize that tunnel vision in your career might stunt your personal growth. Don’t miss out on adventures because you’re stuck at the office.



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

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Deepening the relationships in your life deepens the understanding of certain issues when Venus in Sagittarius sextiles Saturn in Aquarius on Wednesday. Now is a good time to learn about new topics as the important people in your life help you develop your beliefs. Learn and grow, Gemini!

Continue to look at the world from a new perspective when the sun in Libra trines Jupiter in Aquarius on Friday, giving you the opportunity to express yourself with a creative mind. This is a great day to take a class or attend a lecture to expand your knowledge.

If you’re looking to add some romance to your life, plan a date night for Saturday when Mercury in Libra sextiles Venus. Go on a cute fall-themed date like apple picking or cider tasting. You could strengthen your current relationship or fall for someone new. Swoon!



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

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Taking on the caretaker role could change your life more than expected. Especially when Venus in Sagittarius sextiles Saturn in Aquarius on Wednesday, improving the bond you have between you and the person you’re caring for. You might even have to move in with them, sharing bills and living space. However, these changes will mature you in positive ways, Cancer.

These changes can actually bring bliss to your life when the sun in Libra trines Jupiter in Aquarius on Friday. Just remember to care and nurture yourself during the process. You can’t care for others if you’re running on empty.

Set strong boundaries as the sun squares Pluto in Capricorn on Sunday, causing a battle of wills between wanting to help out and wanting some space. Don’t let clingy people drag you down. You need to take care of yourself to thrive and survive.



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

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When in doubt, talk it out when the sun in Libra trines Jupiter in Aquarius on Friday. Talking about issues and communicating your needs are key ingredients in any healthy relationship, especially when it comes to love. When you and your partner are on the same page, you can connect on a new level.

Romantic communication continues when Mercury in Libra sextiles Venus in Sagittarius on Saturday, helping you get your flirt on! Use your wit to seal the deal with someone special. This could be the start of a steamy love affair that heats up the coldest winter nights.

The week ends on a sour note when the sun squares Pluto in Capricorn on Sunday, giving you some serious brain fog. Productivity becomes a struggle when you can’t get out of your own way. Grab a pumpkin spice coffee and try to focus, Leo!



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

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You need a break, Virgo. After taking care of everyone else, you may be feeling burned out when Venus in Sagittarius sextiles Saturn in Aquarius on Wednesday. Allow yourself to take a break and nurture your own needs by setting healthy boundaries. You don’t have to say yes to everyone.

If you want to make some extra cash this weekend, partner up with some family members on a side hustle when Mercury in Libra sextiles Venus on Saturday. You can strengthen your family connection by making money and helping each other.

However, negative thoughts could plague your mind when the sun in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn on Sunday, making you wallow in self-doubt. If you don’t value yourself, you’ll have trouble expressing yourself, being creative, and feeling pleasure. If you want to feel good, you need to treat yourself well, Virgo.



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

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Start your week by planning a romantic date night when Venus in Sagittarius sextiles Saturn in Aquarius on Wednesday. Stimulating conversation and witty banter act like foreplay as you take pleasure in the idea of romance. Just have fun and flirt your heart out, Libra. It doesn’t have to be so serious.

Romance continues to heat up when the sun in your sign trines Jupiter in Aquarius on Friday, encouraging you to get creative by making art, going on a photo-worthy date, or uncovering a new talent. Find joy today!

Good vibes continue through the weekend as Mercury in your sign sextiles Venus on Saturday, making it an ideal day for networking, making new friends, or just chatting it up. You’ll make a great first impression. Being positive can help you communicate better and build lasting relationships, so keep talking!



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

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The comforts of home are calling your name when Venus in Sagittarius sextiles Saturn in Aquarius on Wednesday, making you feel a little domestic. You could be extra attracted to your partner and eager to settle down and build a home with them. While this sounds romantic, don’t put money on a down payment quite yet. This feeling may not last.

Your mysterious aura is working for you when Mercury in Libra sextiles Venus on Saturday, making people attracted to your allure. Use your mystique to your advantage to get what you want, Scorpio.

However, the rest of the weekend brings up some heavy emotions when the sun in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn on Sunday. Don’t allow yourself to suffer in silence despite how tempting it sounds. You don’t need to do this alone. Reaching out for help is a sign of growth, not weakness.



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

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Everything is coming up roses when Venus in your sign sextiles Saturn in Aquarius on Wednesday. You’re feeling good and loving life, especially if you’re enjoying a new romance. This is a great time to have deep talks with people and take a short trip to get to know them better. Just enjoy life, Sagittarius!

Making connections online will have some real-world benefits when the sun in Libra trines Jupiter in Aquarius on Friday. Whether you’re finding a job online, meeting in real life someone you connected with on a dating app, or just using technology to gain knowledge, it’s a great day to connect both online and off.

Be bold and slide into someone’s DMs when Mercury in Libra sextiles Venus on Saturday, helping you create even more connections online. It’s an ideal day for digital networking, signing up for dating apps, and posting on social media.



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

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Secrets may not make you any friends, but they are very valuable when Venus in Sagittarius sextiles Saturn in Aquarius on Wednesday. Whether you’re enjoying an illicit affair, know something personal about someone’s private life, or have exclusive information, you’re keeping a juicy secret, Capricorn.

Your reputation precedes you in the best possible way when the sun in Libra trines Jupiter in Aquarius on Friday, giving you opportunities based on your track record. You might get hired, earn a raise, or be invited to important events because of your positive references.

However, this could create an identity crisis when the sun squares Pluto in your sign on Sunday, bringing up feelings of imposter syndrome. You might be plagued by self-doubt that you’re not as great as your image makes you out to be. Olivia Rodrigo was right: “Ego crush is so severe.”



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

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Friendships create opportunities for personal growth when Venus in Sagittarius sextiles Saturn in your sign on Wednesday. By widening your social circle, you’re opening yourself to learning about different points of view and changing you for the better. On that same note, it might be time to let go of friendships you’ve outgrown.

Use your knowledge and experience to make new friends when the sun in Libra trines Jupiter in your sign on Friday. Sharing your personal philosophy of life can help you make a good first impression on others because people will really understand what you’re all about. Hey, Aquarius, you might learn something new about yourself too!

Social opportunities continue throughout the weekend when Mercury in Libra sextiles Venus on Saturday, encouraging you to make friends through volunteering, attending classes, or fighting for justice. Bonding over mutual ideals can create a lasting relationship.



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

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Hard work becomes its own reward when Venus in Sagittarius sextiles Saturn in Aquarius on Wednesday. While dealing with some heavy emotions in your life, you might find that busying yourself with work is a healing distraction right now. Keep working toward your goals to find what you’re looking for.

Like Demi Lovato, you’re also practicing the art of starting over when the sun in Libra trines Jupiter in Aquarius on Friday, encouraging you to turn over a new leaf and reinvent yourself. As you transform from one phase to another, embrace self-love.

Especially since not everyone may love the new you. When the sun squares Pluto in Capricorn on Sunday, you might notice that some friends become jealous and spiteful. They may try dragging you down to their level, Pisces, but push back! They don’t hold the same power over you anymore.


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