
viernes, 28 de abril de 2017

Unphotoshopped Pics of Kim Kardashian Put Her New Brand To A Very Real Test

Instagram PhotoSource: Instagram

Yesterday, Kim Kardashian announced, before Ellen DeGeneres and her audience, she was a changed woman. That being robbed at gunpoint was the ultimate teachable moment — a moment that chose her — and through it, she found herself and her priorities, and they were decidedly less materialistic. But now her new self is being tested, and it’s with paparazzi photos.

Yes, some pics of Kim’s unphotoshopped butt — arguably her most prized possession — in a bikini have surfaced. They were taken in Mexico, where she’s celebrating Kourtney Kardashian’s 38th birthday, and now the Internet is calling the ever-so-slight appearance of cellulite proof positive that Kim photoshops  her Instagram pics. Because that’s what we needed. Proof.

More: Kim Kardashian Wears Vintage Dior Bikini, Looks Downright Perfect

And because hell hath no fury like an Internet scorned, the Daily Mail reported Kim has lost over 100,000 Instagram followers since the photos appeared. Since our official Kim Kardashian-Instagram-follower counter is on vacation, we can’t confirm the exact number of followers lost, but if true, it would put Kim’s born-again realness to a quantifiable test. But, hey, you know what they say: The Internet only gives us what we can handle.

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