Let’s face it—a majority of us hit snooze in the morning until the last possible moment that we have to jump out of bed and rush around the house getting dressed, throwing on make-up, foregoing breakfast and bolting out the door. Sounds like a typical Tuesday right? Despite the New Year’s resolutions we set and the numerous times we cancel out 6 A.M. spin class, we never seem to have enough time in the morning for a full fledge routine. Enter, our tips and full-proof tricks for cutting down your getting-ready time in the AM, and help you feel like a real #adult. We have listed out small routines that you can set at the beginning of the week, the night before and each morning to cut down your time by a significant amount. You might even have time to eat breakfast and get to your meeting a couple minutes early. I know…crazy.
The key to having a seamless getting-ready routine is by organizing, having a clean space and planning ahead. Make sure your clothes are put away on hangers or drawers, keep go-to pieces at the front of your closet or drawer so you can easily grab them, and we even suggest color coding and categorizing so you know exactly where everything is! Here are the rest of our tips to follow to help you have a speedy quick and non-stressful morning routine.
On Sunday Night
Think about your week ahead and roughly plan out your outfits for the week. Do you have any big events, meetings or parties you need a special outfit for? Does anything need to be dry-cleaned, washed or tailored? By doing a rough outline of your week, it will help you fill in the gaps the night before with regular outfits and accessories.
MORE: Simple Steps to Declutter Your Closet for a Fresh Fashion Start in 2018
The Night Before
Plan your outfit – Now that you know your schedule for the next day, planning your outfit in advance can ultimately save you about 15-30 minutes the next morning. Check the weather, your schedule again, steam/iron if necessary and pick out accessories and shoes. I also always mentally plan an alternative to the look, like a different shirt or shoe in case I’m not liking it once I put it on in the morning. If you don’t have time to steam, hang your clothes in your bathroom while you shower or toss in the dryer for a few minutes.
Pack your bags – Pack your purse, work bag, gym bag, breakfast/lunch and anything else you might need for the following day. This will eliminate the last-minute morning rush out the door and possibility of forgetting to pack something important.
Shower – We realize that it’s about 50/50 when it comes to morning versus night shower-goers, but it can really cut out a decent part of your morning routine. You can also always quickly rinse off your body in the morning or wet your hair, but get the grunt work of washing your hair and shaving done at night. If you’re someone who styles, curls or straightens their hair every day, try doing it at night and then do touch ups in the morning. Also, using a silk pillow case will also help perverse your hair style and lessen frizz.
MORE: How to Cut Down Your Skin Care Routine to 90 Seconds or Less
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In The Morning
Simplify your makeup/hair routine – In case you’re running late, have your go-to products you can throw on in 2 minutes. If you don’t have time to do up your perfect brow, use Glossier Boy Brow to fill in the girls. Throw in your bag a 3-in-1 multi stick for blush, eyes and lips. By keeping these products in your bag it’s great for rushed mornings or post-work touch-ups. Always have a hair tie, bobby pins and some dry shampoo on hand for late starts so you can throw your hair in a low bun or top knot and head out the door.
EMERGENCY: You need to change your outfit – What do you do if you’re absolutely not feeling the look you picked out the night before? No worries, pick out a look from those go-to pieces from that area of your closet (aren’t you glad you planned and organized ahead?). You can wear all one color (all black, all navy, etc) because it will instantly make the last-minute outfit feel and look more elevated. Throw on one piece of statement jewelry and possibly a third layer of a jacket, blazer or coat.
A few other go-to outfits to style when you’re rushed in the morning are dresses, denim, jumpsuits, jean + blouse, or a matching suit. If you’re feeling rushed and behind in the morning, make sure you go for a look that you already have worn or feel comfortable in. If you’re trying to think outside of the box and try something brand new, you might feel a little unfinished or not comfortable in your look. This is why it’s great to have those key items you know are easy to style sectioned off in your closet so you know exactly where they are.
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