Camila Mendes, otherwise known as Veronica Lodge from the cult favorite CW television series “Riverdale,” got personal in her latest Instagram post and we’re cheering her on so damn hard. In her blog-style caption to an all text-based photo, the 23-year-old opened up about recovering from an eating disorder, and how she finds the strength to “clear her head of all the negative voices that creep in every once in a while.”
One key way she does that, says Mendes, is by building a network to help her get through tough moments—and encouraged others to do the same: “I appreciate the value of peer support when recovering from an eating disorder.”
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Mendes called out newly founded nonprofit organization, The Chain, as one major source of strength that she relies on. The Chain provides “eating disorder peer support for women in fashion and entertainment,” and was started by fashion industry veterans Ruthie Friedlander and Christina Grasso—the latter of whom Mendes met at gala for Project Heal and immediately connected with through their shared experiences.
The Chain’s Instagram page provides a consistent feed of inspiring quotations, reminding its audience that perfection is an unrealistic ideal and that loving themselves and their bodies is a much better one to strive for. Mendes said she appreciates that “constant reminder,” particularly on a platform like Instagram, where her feed is full of “perfect bodies,” as well as on set, where she’s “on camera every day playing Veronica, who adores her tight mini skirts.”
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The actress ended her post by reminding us all to make time for body love. “Our minds can get so contaminated with endless images of perfection, and even if you don’t suffer from an eating disorder, it can’t hurt to incorporate a little body positivity into your routine.”
We applaud Mendes for being so real. It’s always hard to publicly address something as personal as an eating disorder, but even harder when you’re in the limelight and have people watching your every move. We hope organizations like The Chain will continue to help Mendes and any other woman who’s looking for hope and support while recovering from an eating disorder.
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