
sábado, 31 de marzo de 2018

9 Surprising Things That Can Keep Your Relationship Healthy

To be in a healthy relationship, we always hear the typical advice related like, listening to your partner more, doing nice things for them, and showing and telling them you love them. While these things are worthy of practice, there are other—less discussed—things that can also keep your relationship healthy. Here are 9 other ways you can keep your relationship healthy.

Spend More Time Apart

Many couples tend to think the more time they spend together, the stronger their relationship will be. That’s not exactly true. “Time apart will help you keep things fresh. By spending at least a few nights a week away from each other you’re guaranteeing that you’ll have new/different things to talk about when you’re together, you’re able to keep what makes you in tact,” explains Paige Berger, dating expert with She adds that spending time apart It will also allow you to calm down and assess a situation after an argument rather than having a blow up.

Laugh at Unexpected Situations

A couple that can laugh together, will likely stay together, says Heidi McBain, a professional counselor for women. “Things that keep you laughing and having fun tougher, are so important to the relationship as a whole,” she says. “Send each other pictures of weird things that are on the internet- weird food from other countries, weird animal pictures, weird faces people are making, etc,” she suggests. Act silly with each other, play games, with the whole goal being to make them laugh out loud.

Get More Sleep—Together

A recent study found that couples who slept less than seven hours a night were more likely to argue in a hostile and negative fashion. More sleep can also lead to more sex, says Chris Brantner, Certified Sleep Science Coach at “If you want to increase your libido, get a full 7-8 hours of sleep. Lack of sleep throws your hormones out of whack and decreases testosterone, which is crucial for both male and female sex drive. It’s also worth noting that for the healthiest relationship, you should go to bed when your partner goes to bed. Research shows that couples whose sleep patterns are mismatched report more conflict, less time in shared activities, and less sex than those who go to bed together,” says Brantner.

MORE: 11 Ways Relationships Change Between Your 20s and 30s 

Set Goals Together

Setting goals together and helping each other achieve them will build a healthy relationship, says Sarah E. Clark, a licensed therapist and relationship expert. “Whether they are long term financial or personal development goals, or short-term projects that you work together to complete, the process of supporting one another to meet your goals will help you build a strong foundation.”

Get Uncomfortable Together

Intimate relationships are all about vulnerability. “If you want a healthy relationship with open communication, you need to be brave enough to let yourself be vulnerable. This includes telling your partner about things that matter to you, saying how you feel, and trying things together that are outside your comfort zone,” explains Clark. Opening up about something painful in the past or revealing something that you’ve never told anyone before can be really healthy for a relationship because it also builds trust.

Have Exercise Dates

Exercising with your partner can create an opportunity to serve as the other’s supporter. “Each person can motivate the other to work harder. Both of you are working, again as a team, towards a similar goal which is to reach a desired level of health,” says Justin Lavelle, chief communications officer and relationship writer for “In addition, watching your partner work hard to reach a goal can create feelings of admiration and attraction in you for the other.”

MORE: 18 Worst Mistakes People Commonly Make In Relationships

Start New Traditions and Routines

Perhaps it is an activity you both like or traveling somewhere, but making new traditions or routines that only involve you and your partner, is a great way to keep your relationship healthy. That’s because this tradition centers around what you both like to do, your values, and just being together. Setting new routines also says that you’re both interested in having this tradition carry on for a long time.

Do Chores Together (Seriously)

Completing household chores together creates the feeling that you are functioning as a team. “For example, you can choose to wash and dry the dishes together. One person washes while the other dries. You can choose to do the laundry together. One folds the laundry while the other puts the clothes in the drawers,” suggests Lavelle. “Whatever the task may be, the goal is to come together as partners and complete a task.” The activity will strengthen the idea that you and your partner are a team.

Surprise Them With Little Things

Instead of rushing out the door in the morning, leave them a love note or post it on the door. Pop by their place of work with coffee or fake a meeting. Send them something sweet or kinky to their office. These little surprises will not only keep your relationship healthy, but will keep your partner on their toes, wondering what you’ll pop up with next!

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