
viernes, 20 de abril de 2018

A Crash Course on the Cosmetic Benefits of Cannabis

The beauty scene is all about catchy ingredients, so the recent boom of cannabis-infused products is no surprise. Whether you are a supporter of smoking marijuana or not, cannabis-based products are a great option for natural healing. “Cannabis is a medicinal herb that has the ability to help the human body heal and regenerate itself,” says Dahlia Mertens, wellness expert and founder of Mary Jane’s Medicinals. “The chemicals in cannabis are very chemically similar to those our bodies naturally create.”

What Is It?

Before diving headfirst into a new beauty routine, you’ll want to understand exactly what cannabis-based products entail. Cannabis-infused products will include a cannabinoid, which is a group of active compounds found in marijuana. These compounds give the cannabis plant its medicinal benefits. In other words, cannabinoids are the chemicals that react with our bodies by binding to receptors to stimulate balance.

CBD, THC, Hemp … What Does It All Mean?

Cannabis, the plant from which marijuana is derived, carries dozens of different cannabinoids. The cannabinoids are active compounds that give the plant medical and psychoactive properties. The most famous cannabinoids in the beauty industry are CBD, THC and hemp.


The beginning of the cannabis hype started with the coveted CBD oil. “CBD oil, also known as cannabidiol, can be hemp- or cannabis-derived,” shares Kimberly Dillon, a representative at Papa & Barkley, a company that produces cannabis-infused wellness products. CBD can be found in the stalk, seed, and flowers of the cannabis plant, along with hemp and marijuana. It is easy to extract and can be found in large quantities within the plant. However, CBD itself does not get you high. Various celebrities have declared their love for this multipurpose oil, including Dakota Johnson who uses it for shut-eye while traveling and Mandy Moore who uses it to relieve foot pain from high heels.


THC is another compound found within the cannabis plant. THC is a potent psychoactive, which differentiates it from the other cannabinoids found in the plant. This is the component of the cannabis plant that gets you high or affects your state of mind. If you don’t participate in smoking the plant, no need to fret. When THC is applied topically it produces different results than when ingested. “For someone who does not want to experience the psychoactive properties of the plant, a topical is a great option,” recommends Mertens. “When THC is applied topically, it does not have the same effects as when it is ingested, smoked or eaten.” Mertens explains that the THC in the product will bind to the receptors in the skin to promote a healing response, but it will not enter the bloodstream or reach the brain so you won’t experience a high.


Hemp is a plant that contains a very small amount of THC and is typically used in topical treatments. Because hemp has minimal traces of THC (less than 0.3 percent), it is legal in all 50 states across the United States, while some states have restrictions on marijuana-derived CBD.

What Are the Pros & Cons of Cannabis Products?

Cannabis products can address a range of concerns from healing sun damage to sore muscles and joints. “Cannabis has antiviral and antibacterial properties so it works well with preventing and healing a myriad of skin concerns from cold sores to acne and psoriasis or eczema,” shares Mertens. Mertens also suggests looking for products that infuse a variety of cannabinoids for best results.”

When purchasing your cannabis-infused products, Mertens warns customers to beware of formulas with concentrates or isolates. “Many topical treatments on the market are made from concentrates or isolates that are essentially processing the plant and breaking it up into different compounds,” she explains. “When the plant is broken apart and put back together it loses some of its synthesis.” Similar to fruits and veggies, there is more benefit to our bodies when we eat them whole versus processed. For best results, opt for formulas that are less processed or pure. A study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine found that CBD reduced the chronic inflammation and pain in mice and rats substantially. While other researchers found, in a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, that CBD could be a healing factor with acne as it helps to decrease the production of sebum that leads to unwanted breakouts. Most of the benefits of CBD-derived products come from natural healing properties without the use of toxins.

Now that we’ve got the scoop on how to reap the healing benefits from cannabis-infused products, we’ve rounded up some hemp-inspired goodies that are worth a try.

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