
jueves, 17 de mayo de 2018

The Quick-and-Dirty Workout for a Lifted Chest

Sitting at a computer for hours on end or constantly looking down at a phone is a surefire way to muck up your posture, and we’re all doing at least one of these things on a daily basis. The other downside to settling into hunchback territory is a chest that doesn’t lift like it used to. In other words, our “girls” end up requiring extra support way earlier than we expected.

Luckily, this isn’t one of those “no turning back” situations, since a consistent workout regimen is the antidote for a majority of the side effects our body is subjected to as we stare down into bright screens almost constantly. And who better to get us in formation than the trainer responsible for getting Victoria’s Secret Angels ready for their annual runway show? Ahead, renowned fitness trainer Justin Gelband breaks down four exercises—all with the help of J-Bands (which you can find at the gym or attach to a sturdy surface at home)—that lift the chest.

MORE: The Quick-and-Dirty Workout for a Juicy, Lifted Backside

STYLECASTER | Quick and Dirty Workout for a Lifted Chest | Swivel Press

Allison Kahler

Start with the J-Bands tied on a surface behind you. Facing away from the bands, hold onto them with both hands, horizontally shoulder-width apart, and stretch them forward until they are taut. Place one foot in front of the other and bend your knees slightly. Simultaneously press your arms forward while slightly swiveling your pelvis, keeping your feet planted in the lunge. Do 7 reps.

MORE: The Quick-and-Dirty Travel Workout for a Smaller Waist

STYLECASTER | Quick and Dirty Workout for a Lifted Chest | Lunge Punch

Allison Kahler

Change your grip on the bands to a more diagonal hold and spread your legs into a wider lunge. Start with 8 slow punches, using the right arm. Next, do 8 slow punches on the left arm. Then do 16 simultaneous punches or parallel pulses on both the left and right arms.

MORE: The Quick-and-Dirty Home Workout for a Smaller Waist

STYLECASTER | Quick and Dirty Workout for a Lifted Chest | Parallel Pulses

Allison Kahler

Standing with the feet shoulder-width apart, hold the bands straight out to your side. Stretch your arms forward and step forward with a different foot each time. Do this 6 times on each foot.

*For extra points, put one foot in front of the other and do 8 mini pulses chest level and then using the same stance, 8 mini pulses angled upward.

MORE: The Quick-and-Dirty Workout for Leaner Arms

STYLECASTER | Quick and Dirty Workout for a Lifted Chest | Pull & Release

Allison Kahler

Start by standing sideways to the band and hold onto it with one arm. Step outward, do a mini pull and come back to a one-foot-forward stance. Do this for 5 reps. Next, start by standing sideways to the band again. Open and step, facing away from the band while punching upward. Make sure you rotate when you take your step. Do this for 8 reps.

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