
viernes, 13 de julio de 2018

7 Positions to Try If Sex Is Painful

For me, a typical Friday night is usually spent hanging out with friends, drinking wine, and eating tons of cheese. As the hours wear on, we discuss our jobs, or politics, or some celebrity news we’ve seen recently. Until—eventually and inevitably—we start talking about our sex lives. How are things with that girl you’ve been seeing? How do I talk to my boyfriend about this new toy I want to try? And often, How do I navigate painful sex?

Sex isn’t supposed to hurt (unless, of course, you want it to), but 3 in 4 women will still experience pain during intercourse at some point in their lives, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). For some, this pain might be short-lived—a one- or two-time thing. For others, though, it might be more persistent.

Regardless of the situation, painful sex isn’t something you (or anyone else) should have to put up with, Anthony Pizarro, M.D., a Louisiana-based gynecologist specializing in pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery, tells StyleCaster. “Many people think it’s acceptable…but it’s never really OK,” he says. There’s no need to feel ashamed, but there’s also no need to tolerate something painful when you don’t have to.

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The different kinds of pain sex can cause

For starters, there’s the good kind of pain. The kind of pain people might seek out in a kinky-ish situation. That’s not what we’re talking about here, so keep doing your thing.

Then, there’s temporary pain. If you’ve had particularly rough, fast, or dry sex—or sex with a large penis or toy—you might feel sore afterward, Natasha Chinn, M.D., a New Jersey-based gynecologist, tells StyleCaster. You might notice some minor cuts or tears. While these aren’t things you should have to put up with, they are problems you can usually solve on your own. (Try starting slower, having gentler sex, using smaller toys, and finding a lube you love.)

Finally, there’s dyspareunia—acute or chronic pain during sex that’s usually attributable to some psychological or medical cause. According to Pizarro, you might be experiencing dyspareunia if sex has always been painful for you, if sex is becoming more painful for you, if you’re beginning to experience painful sex more frequently than before, or if the pain you’re experiencing during sex is acute.

If you feel like you fall into one of these categories, Pizarro says you should talk to your gynecologist or see a painful sex specialist. Though there might not be anything serious going on, it’s worth working through so you can have the happy, healthy sex life you deserve.

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Here’s why sex can hurt

Like I said before, things like friction-filled penetration, lack of lube, and sex with a person/toy that’s seriously well-endowed might leave you feeling a little sore. If you’ve recently given birth, you might need to give your system some time to heal before trying to have sex, Chinn says. And if you’re currently experiencing menopause, you might have lower estrogen levels than usual—meaning your vagina might produce less natural lubricant and tear more easily.

Painful sex is also associated with a bunch of medical conditions, like endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and vulvodynia—just to name a few. Different conditions present different symptoms and demand different treatments, which is one of the reasons Pizarro recommends speaking to your gynecologist. Depending on the condition, you could eradicate (or at least reduce) the pain you’re experiencing during sex.

If none of these physiological reasons seem to fit, there might be a psychological reason you’re experiencing dyspareunia, Pizarro says. According to him, your pain might be a result of a mental health condition or prescribed medication. It might also have to do with insecurity, relationship troubles, stress, guilt, or fear, according to ACOG.

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Don’t freak out if sex is painful—but do talk to a doctor

And in the meantime, there are a few things you can do. For starters, you can use lube to soothe vaginal dryness and an ice pack to dull any pain you’re experiencing. You can also talk to your partner about what hurts and what doesn’t—and work with them to find a position that works for both of you.

According to Pizarro, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Because painful sex can have such varied causes, it’s impossible to point to one sex position that will feel good for everyone. “Some positions are more painful for some patients, and others are more painful for others,” Pizarro says. “There’s no formula.” That’s why experimentation is so key. But what if you’re down to experiment, but have no idea where to begin?

MORE: 8 Things to Bring Up at Your OB-GYN Appointment: Queer Edition

Here, you’ll find seven sex positions to try when you’re experiencing painful sex. Chinn has vetted all seven of these and walked me through exactly what they’re good for—and why they might reduce some of the pain you’re experiencing.

Remember, this article shouldn’t supplant a doctor’s visit; you should still talk to your gynecologist (or a pelvic pain specialist) to learn more about what’s going on and how you can alleviate your symptoms. But in the meantime, as you’re waiting for that appointment to roll around, you might want to experiment with some of the positions we’ve illustrated and explained, ahead.

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