
martes, 3 de julio de 2018

The Most Popular Anti-Chafing Products for Sweaty Thighs

As the proud owner of thick and glorious thighs, I can confirm that one of the few downsides to having luscious gams is dealing with inevitable summer chafing. Because for every pair of Daisy Dukes I rock in 90-degree heat, there’s a splotch of red, irritated skin below the waist to match. And while there are always DIY options for keeping chub rub at bay, the truth is I really just want something I can quickly buy and swipe on the go. Time is money, and I don’t have a lot of either.

MORE: Your A-to-Z Guide to Sun Protection

There are more than enough budget-friendly anti-chafe products to choose from; powders, gels, and sprays included. Ahead are the most popular and frequently top-rated ones if you’re in the same boat as me and need sweet relief.

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