Selena Gomez, USA’s resident Queen of Instagram, has 141.6 million followers on the social media platform. So we’d just like to point out a few things. A) We can’t even count that high. But if we could, could we count that high before kicking the bucket? Probably not. And B) That’s a lot of fans.
Or so it seems.
Gomez’s celebrity status means lots of people around the world love her, want the best for her, and show their support for her. On Instagram, that love manifests in “likes” and “comments,” for the most part. But… Gomez’s celebrity status also means lots of people around the world are jealous of her—and, unfortunately, that jealousy often manifests in nasty comments on her photos.
Honestly, we have a lot of respect for the star. Not just because she survives the hate with grace, but also because she can admit that it hurts. She told Footwear News that she’s totally “one of those people” whose self-confidence can be shaken by the haters. But she spins it in a positive light — about her fans, she says, “I understand and I get what they’re feeling and what they are afraid of.”
MORE: Why It’s Sexist to Feel Bad for Selena Gomez After Bieber’s Engagement
Back during the #scandal in which fashion designer Stefano Gabbana called her “so ugly” in a comment on Instagram, Gomez didn’t defend herself. She didn’t speak to the press, she didn’t comment something nasty to him. She just ignored it (even though tons of other celebs had her back.) She advises her fans to do the same: “It’s all about how you feel at the end of the day… It’s okay that I’m not accepted this way. It’s okay that I’m nice and not intense.”
The celeb’s got her head screwed on straight, and we’d all do well to take her advice. We’re officially canceling therapy today.
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