
lunes, 7 de octubre de 2019

How Venus in Scorpio Will Affect Your Love and Sex Life

Well, well, well. Venus is in Scorpio this October 2019—and that means things are about to get real intense around here (but in a good way). You see, Venus rules over luxury and comfort, providing the zodiac signs with material goods and a desperate urge to buy some Catbird jewelry—even if a necklace from the fine jewelry retailer costs more than my first car (which, admittedly, was stolen, but that’s a story for another time). Venus also rules over finances and beauty, which makes sense because I just spent 45 minutes scrolling through Sephora like Gollum, hunched over and whispering, “My precious…” and then using my superhuman strength to buy absolutely nothing.

Astrologically speaking, this Venus transit in Scorpio will combine Venus’ ruling topics with Scorpio’s intensity. This can mean serious business for all the signs. For some, the increase in attention might be uncomfortable. But for others, this is a time to repeat, “Me me me me me,” to your partner without them wanting to murder you.

On top of that, the ~chill vibes~ that came with summer are officially over and done. Scorpio is many things—but easygoing is not one of them. Which, frankly, I find refreshing. As a fellow non-chiller, I want to talk about big feelings and make plans and deal with things out in the open, rather than under a fake veneer of ~cool girl vibes~ and superficial conversations that aren’t really about anything! That surface level chillin’ is the emotional equivalent of eating a ton of candy, and then wondering why you feel like absolute shit the next day.

Us humans need substance! And sometimes that means a tough conversation with your partner about how they never ask about your day or your opinion on music or movies or whatever. And also—it’s really hard to have good sex when you’re at the emotional level of discussing the weather. In the words of Ariana Grande, tell me your secrets, all of the creep-shit; that’s how I know it’s true.

I mean, the best way to really get to know someone is to figure out the creep-shit, I think. I’ve been told that I operate at a level that most people find intrusive, so maybe I’m not the best person to speak about human connection. But honesty in conversations and behind actions has led me to have the most fulfilling relationships in my life, romantic or otherwise.

So tell your person about the crush you harbored for years on your unsuspecting mailman. Tell them about what songs you listen to on repeat when you miss your childhood dog. Get weird and intense, if only for a minute. Not only is it healing—but it’s really fun.

Here’s How Venus in Scorpio 2019 Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign:

STYLECASTER | Venus in Scorpio 2019

Image: Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.

Aries –

Venus will be in your eighth house during this transit, resulting in increased ~passion~ in your romantic sector. You’ll also be channeling Venus’ love of convenience and luxe. You want high thread counts and Postmates. I get it. It’s the season of getting cozy, and a bag of Kit-Kats and someone cute sitting on your couch with you can make for the most glorious of evenings.

STYLECASTER | Venus in Scorpio 2019

Image: Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.

Taurus –

This is your TIME, Taurus. Given that Venus is your ruling planet, you’ll be ~feeling yourself~ immensely this transit. Enjoy yourself—but know your vices. You are at a bigger risk than usual to overindulgence, so don’t do (or buy) anything you might regret later. Because, as it turns out, our deepest desires are usually not convenient, nor can they be easily bought/sold.

STYLECASTER | Venus in Scorpio 2019

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.


This Venus transit in Scorpio can bring romantic and sexual satisfaction your way (excuse me, GET IT), but it can also bring jealousy and mistrust along with it. So before going all scorched-earth up in here, use your big, gorgeous brain and determine if you’re being impulsively led by your feelings or if the problem is something that needs to be addressed with your partner(s). Because some issues can be resolved internally (for example, low self-esteem), while some should be resolved externally (for example, that one person that keeps getting handsy with your SO and makes you question just how secure you are in your relationship—yeah, maybe speak up about that.)

STYLECASTER | Venus in Scorpio 2019

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.

Cancer –

This transit will be a journey in self-acceptance for you, Cancer. Celebrating your individuality and giving yourself space to exist without judgement is a tall order, and one that will take a lot of work and self-reflection—but it will be so worth it.

STYLECASTER | Venus in Scorpio 2019

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.


This transit will have you appreciating tranquility and silence in your immediate surroundings—most likely, your home. Those fall vibes are going to hit you hard, amping up the urge to stay home and interact with family and close friends. Just make sure that your solitude isn’t mistaken for avoidance or indifference towards your loved ones, but rather a craving for a quiet moment.

STYLECASTER | Venus in Scorpio 2019

Image: Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.

Virgo –

Mercury, your ruling planet, begins its retrograde on Halloween (spooky!), but until then, it’s smooth sailing for you. While things may be heating up romantically, you might also find increased interest in your social connections or a deepening friendship that’s got you changing your perspective and maybe even your priorities. Whatever the case, enjoy the intensity that comes with finding a deep connection, sweet Virgo.

STYLECASTER | Venus Scorpio 2019

Image: Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.


Venus is in your second house, baby! And given that it’s your ruling planet, you’ll definitely be feeling its effects. Emotional intimacy will be a big focus for you, which may seem strange. After all, you’re usually the one stompin’ on hearts. Sex is just one way of building emotional intimacy and a strong relationship—but so is talking about heavy shit or being present during difficult times or apologizing when you’re wrong. Use all the tools in your toolbox. Build something indestructible.

STYLECASTER | Venus Scorpio 2019

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.

Scorpio –

This Venus transit will have you harnessing all of your intense, all-black, smoky-eye energy. Eat the world, light it on fire, feast on the fears of your enemies, etc. Really, this month is yours to do with as you wish. With Venus in your sign, you will also be able to access your softer side—if you so choose. But in a world that’s always telling us to be different than what we already are—I say run headfirst into whatever feels right.

STYLECASTER | Venus Scorpio 2019

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.


This transit won’t change the facts: You love your freedom and value your independence above all. BUT. It might have you looking at freedom and independence through a different lens. Namely that a good relationship might be more freeing than being single. Having a secure base to return to and support in all the boring life shit we have to do daily (feeding ourselves! Laundry! Bills! Appeasing the blood-thirsty gods and their consistent need for organic human sacrifice!) is it’s own kind of freedom.

STYLECASTER | Venus Scorpio 2019

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.

Capricorn –

October in general is great for economic and career opportunities for you, Capricorn—but this transit is also something special. You’re not one to squander financial resources or waste time on things you find frivolous. But this Venus transit will help you loosen up a little and enjoy some of the finer things in life. Incidentally, your sex life is also supposed to get, like, super freaky and good? You can’t see me, but I’m fist-pumping for you. Get it, Capricorn.

STYLECASTER | Venus Scorpio 2019

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.

Aquarius –

Sweet Aquarius, this is the calm before the Mercury retrograde storm coming on Oct. 31. So gird your sweet lil’ loins and be ready to problem-solve this transit. While Venus is related to leisure and fun, this transit may go a little less smoother than you’d like as issues arise in the workplace and in your social circle. The solution? Put in the work to solve the root of the problem, instead of addressing only the symptoms.

STYLECASTER | Venus Scorpio 2019

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.

Pisces –

As a fellow water sign to Scorpio, you are emotionally driven as well as compelled to be as honest and authentic as possible. During this transit, this will be intensified. For some of your loved ones, this will result in a deeper connection or shared experience. And for others, this could be a breaking point. Remember: You are only responsible for yourself and your own feelings. You cannot control how other people react to your actions. Just keep empathy in your heart and let the rest go.

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