
miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2019

What Your Moon Sign Says About You and Your Emotions

As you delve deeper into the weird and wonderful world of astrology, figuring out your moon sign meaning takes on a whole new level of importance. Sure, your sun sign can tell you a lot about your personality, but without understanding what your moon sign is and how it can affect your emotions, your astrological profile is incomplete.

Your moon sign is what guides your emotions and subconscious. It’s how you process your feelings and determines what your most pressing needs are. Your moon sign tells you where your comfort zone is, and through that, where your vulnerabilities lie.

Of all of the different aspects of your astrological chart, your moon sign is one of the most important and clarifying pieces.

Your moon sign is determined by the position of the moon when you were born. And given that the moon moves to a different sign every few days, different signs can be affected in different ways.

For example, I’m a Gemini born on June 9, and I am wildly different from my friend, whose birthday is only four days away from mine. I like to watch the world slowly descend into maudlin chaos, while my friend likes Shakespeare and baking cookies. Bizarre, right?

But moon signs can go much deeper than what your hobbies are or how deeply you feel about “Twilight” (I will die on that hill). Your moon sign can also divulge how you share your emotions and what emotions/desires you might be more likely to hide or fear. This should also come as no surprise that your moon sign can also reveal a lot when it comes to romance and your compatibility with potential partners.

Your moon sign can also reveal what you need to feel secure in your relationships with others and with yourself. It has us asking what gives us a sense of security? Where (or what) feels like home? The answers are often found in your moon sign.

Which kind of begs the question: Why aren’t we all more interested in our moon signs? If it provides us with so many of these deep and informative answers, why don’t we talk about it more?

My opinion? Because our moon signs often stay hidden (the moon, after all, lives its life shrouded in the darkness of ~night~), people don’t see an external presentation of these traits, and thus, write them off.

We love looking with our eyes, don’t we? Much less so than with our hearts and our empathy. So find out what your moon sign is and think it through. Dare to dig deeper and keep what resonates. You don’t have to do anything with this—it’s just for you.

How Do You Find Out Your Moon Sign?

You can find out what your moon sign is by using Cafe Astrology’s moon sign tool. It’s quick and easy (and not to mention free). All you’ll need to know is your date, time and place of birth.

Once you’ve got that figured out, read on to see how your moon sign affects you.

What Does Your Moon Sign Mean in Astrology?

STYLECASTER | Moon Sign Meaning

Image: Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.

If Your Moon Is In Aries:

You most likely have similar emotional traits to that of an Aries rising sign. You’re passionate and fiery, and you thirst for action and novelty. You also feel things strongly—to the point where it can be hard to separate your feelings from your thoughts. These strong emotions can leave you feeling energetic and eager for more excitement. It’s important to you to be fully engaged in your life, or else you’ll experience frustration or anger. Emotionally, you know what you want and need and aren’t afraid to ask for it.

STYLECASTER | Moon Sign Meaning

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.

If Your Moon Is In Taurus:

You value stability and consistency in your life. Your first focus is on securing that your base needs will be met and will continue to be met. Security is of the utmost importance to you—in jobs and vocations, etc. You most likely are a provider (financially or emotionally) to those you care about. But that’s not all you are! Like a Taurus, those with Taurus in their chart tend to persistently seek luxury and nice things. Maybe your favorite way to unwind after a long week is by engaging in a little bit of retail therapy. Just be sure that you don’t get too complacent once you’ve found a way to get all of your emotional needs met!

STYLECASTER | Moon Sign Meaning

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.

If Your Moon Is In Gemini:

You probably value your friends, family and confidants more than people realize. You feel seen when you have space to communicate and work through your feelings. Whether it be through writing, singing, or another communicative art form—you like to feel a connection to people through words. With a Gemini moon sign, it may be harder for you to stay fully present in the moment. It can be hard for you to truly feel your feelings, as distraction and restlessness can make you crave movement and action rather than stillness and reflection. Perhaps mindfulness is the key, my friend.

STYLECASTER | Moon Sign Meaning

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.

If Your Moon Is In Cancer:

You probably feel most like yourself at home. Your Cancer energy makes you sensitive and a deep feeler. You have Big Feelings and require a lot of emotional intelligence in a partner in order to be truly happy. You tend to give your all (emotionally and maybe even physically) to the people you care about. This can often lead to your detriment, however, so you need plenty of time to unwind and relax. Your favorite form of self-care is by enjoying some good food and a clean and cozy home.

STYLECASTER | Moon Sign Meaning

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.

If Your Moon Is In Leo:

Your preferred method of dealing with stress and emotional management is through creativity—whether it be through music, theater, poetry, painting, or something else. As an extroverted zodiac sign, you most likely have a large friend group. Your identity is probably wrapped up in that of the standing of your beloved communities. You pride yourself in being a leader. And as for romance, Leo, you love being in love. You want the whole romantic comedy—but like, amped to the max. Just make sure that your ego isn’t steering your emotions!

STYLECASTER | Moon Sign Meaning

Image: Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.

If Your Moon Is In Virgo:

You feel the best when you are helping and supporting the people you care about. For you, a supporting role doesn’t feel like second-fiddle—it feels like a calling. But while it’s easy for you to be gentle with others, giving yourself that same love and acceptance can be a little more challenging. Like a typical Virgo, you prize organization and efficiency. You also value your health and finances, and most likely spend ample time exercising or planning for the future. Just don’t let your long-term desire for security impede on your enjoyment of the present moment.

STYLECASTER | Moon Sign Meaning

Image: Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.

If Your Moon Is In Libra:

Libras are typically known for seeking justice and peace, so it makes sense that you value and seek logic when it comes to emotions. This can make it challenging to make decisions, as you are able to take multiple perspectives into account. However, because of the care you take in your decisions, they usually end up being beneficial to you and others in the long-term. Romantically speaking, finding balance in a partner is key. You want a partner who complements your own personality traits and is as deeply invested as you are.

STYLECASTER | Moon Sign Meaning

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.

If Your Moon Is In Scorpio:

You probably feel like you’re on fire. Like, all the time. Much like the Scorpio sun sign, you burn brightly with all of your passion and desires at the forefront of your mind. You have no problem being alone, and in fact, may tire easily of people who don’t share the same interests. While it takes a lot to gain your loyalty and trust, once you love someone, it’s pretty much for forever—barring something heinous, like murder or high-heeled sneakers. Also it can be challenging for you to verbally express your feelings. Your love language is more likely performing acts of service. You show your loyalty and love through your actions. For some signs, this works out great. But with other signs that require more verbal affirmation, it can be harder to find a middle ground.

STYLECASTER | Moon Sign Meaning

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.

If Your Moon Is In Sagittarius:

You’re the sign I’d want to get stuck in an elevator with. This moon sign speaks to a person who is adventurous in the external AND internal world. Sagittarius moons tend to be open-minded and nonjudgmental, making them great friends and people to talk to. They love to party, and their freedom is their deepest joy. You feel best when you’re learning something new and different. And your lighthearted view of the world helps you process emotions differently than the more dark or intense signs. Sagittarius can be hard to pin down in a relationship, but with the right partner(s), they’ll never feel like they’ve lost their freedom.

STYLECASTER | Moon Sign Meaning

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.

If Your Moon Is In Capricorn:

You feel responsible for the wellbeing of yourself and others, and often consider external achievements to be a part of that. You are most likely self-assured and have clear expectations on what you need from yourself and others to succeed. As for your internal wellbeing, that can be challenging. Vulnerability doesn’t come easily for you. And because of that, empathy can also be an area that your partners and friends may find lacking. It’s hard for you to admit that you’re human and make mistakes. In complex relationships, it takes a while for Capricorn moons to open up and show their true feelings.

STYLECASTER | Moon Sign Meaning

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.

If Your Moon Is In Aquarius:

It may be hard for you to actually feel your emotions, as you may prefer to “think” them through or try to explain them in a way that you believe to be more efficient or less painful. You may hold humanitarian issues closer to your heart than other signs do, and you may look for similar values of compassion in a long-term partner. Occasionally, you may come off as cold or lacking in empathy to some of the other zodiac signs. Aquarius moons can trend towards emotional detachment, so having a strong support system is crucial. Most of all, Aquarius moons are not afraid to be themselves and tend to be special and noteworthy people that inspire others to lean in more closely to their own identities.

STYLECASTER | Moon Sign Meaning

Elenita_1/Getty Images. Design: Mike Commins/STYLECASTER.

If Your Moon Is In Pisces:

You’re a deep feeler, which can confuse not only the people in your life, but also yourself. To others, this may come off as mysterious, but it can leave you feeling anxious. You may struggle with putting your emotions into actions and words, yet you feel warmly towards most people and value your creative expression. Friends can find your mercurial moods to be a bit disarming, but your love of feeling needed will help you maintain a connection with the people you care about.

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