
martes, 19 de noviembre de 2019

Your Sexiest Personality Trait, According To Your Myers-Briggs Type

Personality tests are good for a lot of things, and most of those things are, admittedly, roasting yourself and/or others into the shadow realm in a thousand small and distinctive ways. Inattentive to detail, unable to adapt to change, bad at communication—who knew four little letters could lob so much dirt? But did you know you can also see your best personality trait in your Myers-Briggs?

It might surprise some readers to know—based on my previous coverage of the MBTI types as monsters, handbags, and garbage dates—that your Myers-Briggs personality type actually says good things about you and your personality as well! Sure, your Myers-Briggs might say you’re disorganized, lack empathy, or are too impulsive, but it also says you’re the world’s best lover!*

The only way to find out is to scroll through and find out exactly what is so sexy about your personality, and then go into the world armed with that newfound sexy knowledge!

At this time I’d also like to establish, as I always do, that if the readings seem inaccurate, then it must be a case of grave user error. Because both personality tests and the concept of sexiness are empirically proven and can be measured with graphs and bunsen burners and whatnot. Plus, I wore glasses, the most scientific accessory, the entire time I was writing this. So, what are you waiting for? Scroll on, sexy!

*Note: It doesn’t say this about any type, and I checked, like, three times.

STYLECASTER | Myers-Briggs Types as Scary Halloween Monsters

Kim Duong/STYLECASTER and Shutterstock.


Literally nothing can shake you. Someone comes to you with a crisis, and all you see is the opportunity to make a plan, babie.

STYLECASTER | Myers-Briggs Types as Scary Halloween Monsters

Kim Duong/STYLECASTER and Shutterstock.


With your thoughtful personality and deep reserves of emotions, you’ve got a poet’s soul my dude—and that’s muy caliente.

STYLECASTER | Myers-Briggs Types as Scary Halloween Monsters

Kim Duong/STYLECASTER and Shutterstock.


You’re not afraid to put your big ol’ heart out there for others. And more often than not, you get others to do the same. Hottttt.

STYLECASTER | Myers-Briggs Types as Scary Halloween Monsters

Kim Duong/STYLECASTER and Shutterstock.


Your tendency towards obscuring personal information, love of solace and all-around mysterious nature makes you the perfect sexy lone wolf. You are definitely the type someone has desperately wondered, “What are they THINKING about???”. We love a hot, mysterious creature.

STYLECASTER | Myers Bruggs Bad Dating Habits

Kim Duong/STYLECASTER and Shutterstock.


You’re used to saying what you think, taking charge and going after what you want—and that directness is hot as hell.

STYLECASTER | Myers-Briggs Types as Scary Halloween Monsters

Kim Duong/STYLECASTER and Shutterstock.


You breathe inspiration and creativity into every situation. And the odds are extremely high that you’ve been referred to as a “muse” before. You sexpot, you.

STYLECASTER | Myers Bruggs Bad Dating Habits

Kim Duong/STYLECASTER and Shutterstock.


You can banter like you’ve got a doctorate in Witty Rapport. Is it hot in here, or is it just me?

STYLECASTER | Myers-Briggs Types as Scary Halloween Monsters

Kim Duong/STYLECASTER and Shutterstock.


Your devotion to your personal projects and sky-high aspirations will always draw people to you. I-r-r-e-s-i-s-t-i-b-l-e.

STYLECASTER | Myers-Briggs Types as Scary Halloween Monsters

Kim Duong/STYLECASTER and Shutterstock.


You’re fiercely independent AND fiercely loyal, which is a rare combo that will leave people feeling lucky to know you and thankful for your frankness. SEXI~!!

STYLECASTER | Myers-Briggs Types as Scary Halloween Monsters

Kim Duong/STYLECASTER and Shutterstock.


You know what the people in your life need and have already ordered it to their house with two-day shipping before they even realized they needed it. GOSH DANG, that’s hot.

STYLECASTER | Myers-Briggs Types as Scary Halloween Monsters

Kim Duong/STYLECASTER and Shutterstock.


You’re always looking for fun, new experiences and aren’t too concerned with getting everything perfect the first time around. This passion and refusal to sweat the small stuff makes anyone you’re with feel refreshingly free. I’m fanning myself.

STYLECASTER | Myers-Briggs Types as Scary Halloween Monsters

Kim Duong/STYLECASTER and Shutterstock.


Understanding what’s going on inside someone else’s head is first nature to you—which, while the mind-reading can be spooky, is definitely also hot.

STYLECASTER | Myers-Briggs Types as Scary Halloween Monsters

Kim Duong/STYLECASTER and Shutterstock.


Your attention to personal details is unrivaled. The fact that you can remember a person’s half-birthday, second favorite tea and every pet they’ve ever had sure makes them feel special. HAWTIE.

STYLECASTER | Myers-Briggs Types as Scary Halloween Monsters

Kim Duong/STYLECASTER and Shutterstock.


Your love of people’s quirks and proclivity for Big Talk means your undivided attention can make anyone feel like the most special person on earth. And there’s barely anything hotter than someone’s undivided attention (except maybe a bowl of hot, hot queso).

STYLECASTER | Myers-Briggs Types as Scary Halloween Monsters

Kim Duong/STYLECASTER and Shutterstock.


You’ve got a thousand different modes, loves and interests swirling around inside of you, pretty much guaranteeing you’ll never be boring. And in the words of Paris Hilton, that’s hot.

STYLECASTER | Myers-Briggs Types as Scary Halloween Monsters

Kim Duong/STYLECASTER and Shutterstock.


Between new passion projects, impromptu day trips and sudden bouts of extreme honesty, you’re an adventure in human form—I’M SWEATIN’.

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