
viernes, 29 de mayo de 2020

Your June Horoscope Is Here & Holy Moly, There’s A LOT Going On

It’s that time of the month—no, not that time of the month, silly. Your horoscope for June 2020 is here! As we transition from the rebirth of spring to summer’s abundance of go-with-the-flow vibes, June packs one deadly astrological punch. In fact, it might be one of the most transformative months out of the entire year! Things get serious real quick with a blood moon (or lunar eclipse) in expansive and adventurous Sagittarius on June 5. In astrology, an eclipse signifies a major turning point in your life, which means there may be a very unexpected change headed your way this month. However, when one thing comes to an end, another thing begins, and with a solar eclipse in family-oriented and homebody Cancer on June 21, you’re closing one door and opening another. You got this!

This month begins with the sun in zany, chatty Gemini, and if you already thought Gemini was enough of a confusing zodiac sign, just wait until you see what this season has in store. For one thing, Mercury—Gemini’s ruling planet—stations retrograde on June 18 in emotional, protective Cancer. Being that Cancer is symbolized by the crab, and crabs tend to slide sideways rather than charge forward, passive-aggressive communication and ghosting could be major themes this month. However, since Cancer is also associated with your feelings and your intuition, this retrograde will also teach you how to understand your emotions on a deeper level. And, since the sun enters Cancer on June 20, the rest of the cosmos will begin supporting you as you take a deep-dive into your heart.

If just the thought of a retrograde makes you feel like running for cover, you probably won’t appreciate the news that Mercury isn’t the only planet that spends June retrograde. Venus has also been retrograde since last month, taking your love life and finances for a spin. However, as this retrograde comes to an end on June 25, you will have a better understanding of your relationship patterns, spending habits, and ability to communicate the truth with others.

With so many retrogrades and eclipses, June may feel overwhelming, so take things one step at a time. It’s OK if you’re not getting as much done as you’d like! June is a month for embracing change, engaging in introspection and coming to terms with constant ebb and flow of life. Luckily, Mars—planet of action—enters courageous and competitive Aries on June 27, setting you up for a summer that’s full of drive and success. It’s going to be a good one, I promise!

Read on for a peek at how each zodiac sign will handle June, and follow the link to your full horoscope below.

STYLECASTER | Aries zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Mercury retrograde might throw a wrench in any summer vacay plans you have at the moment, so prepare for a bit of turbulence. When this retrograde begins on June 18, it will travel through your fourth house of home and family, where you might find that your sacred space doesn’t feel as sacred as it should be. Read your full June horoscope here.

STYLECASTER | taurus zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


When the sun enters Cancer on June 20, it will send shockwaves of energy into your restless third house of communication. Your third house is also being activated by Mercury retrograde and a soul-stirring solar eclipse, so expect that tongue of yours to loosen up. Read your full June horoscope here.

STYLECASTER | gemini zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Brace yourself for shifts in your relationship sector when a blood moon reddens the night sky on June 5. This could indicate a relationship coming to an end when you least expect it, sending you into a tizzy! However, it could also mean that you’re taking things to the next level with someone you’ve got major heart-eyes for. For the full scoop, read your entire June horoscope here.

STYLECASTER | cancer zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


With Venus retrograde muddying the waters of your spiritual 12th house until June 25, there’s a lot of soul-searching ahead of you, but you’ll be so glad you did it. Think of this month as a major spiritual download. Trust that you will eventually process everything! Read your full June horoscope here.

STYLECASTER | leo zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Energetic Mars shifting into your 9th house of adventure by June 27 will set you up for a summer filled with beautiful memories in the making. Where will you go? Who will you meet? Stay tuned-in and read your full June horoscope here.

STYLECASTER | virgo zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


You’ve got big plans for your future, Virgo. However, for the month of June, you might be putting those plans on pause! It’s not that you want to be lazy, it’s just that Venus is retrograding through your 10th house of career until June 25 and it’s making you question exactly what impression you’d like to make on the world. Read your full June horoscope here.

STYLECASTER | libra zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


When a bright and exciting solar eclipse launches you into the next phase of your career on June 21, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity may present itself to you. However, with Mercury retrograding through your 10th house of career as of June 18, take some time before you make up your mind. To learn more, read your full June horoscope here.

STYLECASTER | scorpio zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Don’t be surprised if you’re starting off June feeling quite emotionally heavy, Scorpio. After all, you are one of the deepest feelers in the zodiac! With Venus—planet of love and romance—retrograding through your intense eighth house of passion until June 25, you’re exploring ways to find a happy medium between your independence and your desire for intimacy. Read your full June horoscope here.

STYLECASTER | sagittarius zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Whenever something comes to an end, something else is always beginning. This is made true when a solar eclipse on June 21 lays down the groundwork for a brand new start in your eighth house of intimacy and investment. It may be time to commit or go home, Sagittarius! To learn more, read your full June horoscope here.

STYLECASTER | capricorn zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


When a solar eclipse takes place on June 21, it could indicate a major shift in your love life and social life. Whether you’re ending a relationship or feeling butterflies in your stomach because you’re starting a new one, this experience will be majorly significant. Read your full June horoscope here.

STYLECASTER | aquarius zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


When a solar eclipse dawns on your sixth house of work, health, and routine, it may be time to take your wellbeing more seriously than you ever have. Mercury retrograde will also be moving through your sixth house, revealing all the ways in which you haven’t been taking care of yourself as much as you should be. For the full scoop, read your full June horoscope here.

STYLECASTER | pisces zodiac sign

Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Venus, planet of love and luxury, is retrograding through your fourth house of home and family until June 25, bringing up all the deep-seated issues that nobody likes to talk about. Don’t stress, though—read your full June horoscope here.


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1 comentario:

  1. Hey. Really happy to say that your article is very useful to me. I am fond of astrology and often read my horoscope at Any astrologer knows that in the retrograde period of the movement of Mercury, it makes no sense to start new business and projects, organize deals, meet people and move somewhere.
