
lunes, 29 de junio de 2020

Aquarius, Your July 2020 Horoscope Proves You’re Totally Thriving This Summer

Your Aquarius July 2020 horoscope is here, and you’re ready to use this month to get your life in order! With Mercury retrograding through your sixth house of work and daily routine until July 11, you’re learning some major lessons about time management, priorities and the benefits of a good routine.

Even though you may feel a bit disorganized during this time, it will teach you what you can do differently as you structure your life going forward. By the time a new moon in caring, compassionate, and loving Cancer spreads good vibes throughout your sixth house on July 20, you’ll be ready to commit to good habits and a schedule that bring out the best in you!

Getting things done on time isn’t the only thing you’re learning this month, Aquarius. You’re also learning how to use your voice more powerfully than ever before! When Chiron—the wounded healer—stations retrograde in your third house of communication on July 12, it will help you work through your fear of speaking up and sharing your opinion. Have you been nervous about being judged for what you say? Did someone once tell you your feelings were stupid? Let go of this negative energy, Aquarius, because you deserve a seat at the table. Period!

You’ll be spending a good chunk of this month processing many intense, highly personal realizations, Aquarius. July begins with a potentially life-changing lunar eclipse in your solitary 12th house of the subconscious on July 5. Pay attention to your dreams, your thought patterns and how you feel inside. The rest of the world may not notice anything different about you, but there’s a strong chance you’ll start to feel different.

This lunar eclipse will challenge you to work through memories from your past and forgive yourself for anything you wish you had done differently. All of your mistakes have made you stronger; without them, you wouldn’t be the iridescent and multi-dimensional person that you are.

Prepare for a passionate, wild and ostentatious Leo season filled with new friends, new lovers, and a deeper understanding of the people you care about. The sun enters your seventh house of partnerships on July 22 and it may mean taking things to the next level with someone you love! Good for you, Aquarius.

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