
domingo, 7 de febrero de 2021

These Zodiac Signs Will Have The Best (& Worst!) Valentine’s Day

Can you believe Valentine’s Day is almost here?? Break out the fancy chocolates, red roses and your crush’s birth chartI’m about to give you the 411 on which zodiac signs will have the best (and worst) Valentine’s Day in 2021. Here’s hoping you’re not in the latter group, love.

Valentine’s Day is…complicated, to say the very least. For those of us with partners, it can be a really sweet and sensual day, one spent celebrating mutual affection and the benefits of companionship. For others (especially my beloved single-folk), it can be a day during which they are constantly (annoyingly!) reminded of lost love, failed relationships and other ugly facets of the modern world of dating.

Things are a little different, however, up in the solar system. Venus loooves Valentine’s Day; she’s the matron planet of love, sex, pleasure and material goods, after all! On February 14, Venus will be in the sign of Aquarius, highlighting a spiritual, ethereal and metaphysical kind of love above all else. 

If you’re bummin’ this V-Day, consider creating a little Venus altar in a special place (think: bookshelf, kitchen counter or bedside). Sprinkle rose petals, light a pink candle and set an intention for finding love, be it self-love or love from a worthy partner. If you’re still feeling down, order yourself a bougie takeout dinner-for-one and consider popping into your local sex shop on the way home for a new toy, yeah? Sounds like a great night in to me, TBH.

Thanks to the never-ending dance of the stars and planets, some of us will have a more pleasant Valentine’s Day than others. Single or taken, the stars determine how good or bad your day will really be! For all the info you need regarding Valentine’s Day 2021, read on to see who’ll have the best (and worst) time.

Signs With The Best Valentine’s Day

STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Aries, this Valentine’s Day, the moon will be sitting in your sign. Whoopee! This means the gorgeous planet that controls dreams, emotions and the subconscious self will be bathed in your passionate, fiery energy. For you, this is definitely a good thing. You will likely feel especially in your element on Valentine’s Daybut not in an external, showy way. Instead, you’ll probably feel more internally balanced and empowered, like you’re glowing from within. Single or taken, it’s true! If you’re in a relationship, celebrate how solid if feels, and if you’re flying solo, take a chance and ask that person out, OK?

STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Libra, it’s going to be a groovy Valentine’s Day for you. Since the moon is in Aries this February 14, it will be opposite your sun sign. Don’t fret, though—in this instance, opposites attract! In the Western astrological canon, opposites are complementary, meaning that they work together well. This Aries moon will bring out a passion from within that you often forget all about, Libra. And, speaking of air energy, this month’s Aquarius stellium (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn all together!) will offer you an extra burst of vibrance. Enjoy it, my peace-keeping friend. Be bold and in love!


Signs With The Worst Valentine’s Day

STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Eek, sorry, Taurusthis Valentine’s is going to be rough for you. First, you’ve got Marsour powerful but often-frustrating planet of war and aggressionsitting right on your Sun sign. To make matters worse, you’ll also have that Aquarius stellium squared to your Sun sign. Squares are a not-so-fun occurrence that can often result in abrasive or annoying energies, and you’ve got five planets there. Oof! Negative, aggressive emotions will likely be amplified this Valentine’s Day, so do your best to channel any jealousy or loneliness into art, writing or vigorous movement (And not into self-destruction, OK?).


STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.


Scorpiowhile not as bad as Taurus, your Valentine’s Day isn’t going to be pretty. Just like Taurus, your sign is squared to Aquarius, where those five planets will be sitting. You’re likely to feel the grating effects of this square deep in your emotional core. You Scorpios are magnificently intuitive creatures, who can make big magic happen when you channel your willpower correctly. But when brushed up against, your emotions can run wild and unhinged. Beware of lashing out emotionally, and check in with yourself if you’re feeling upset. Don’t be afraid to chill by yourself if you feel antisocial or just plain grumpy. It happens, babe!

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