
lunes, 15 de febrero de 2021

Your Weekly Horoscope Has Good News—Mercury Retrograde Is Ending

Hello, lover! Your weekly horoscope for February 15-21 2021 is here. After a very intense Aquarius season, we begin to enter a gentler period when the sun (planet of self) enters Pisces on Thursday, bringing compassion and imagination. For the next four weeks, our empathy will increase. With many of the planets still in Aquarius, we can use this empathy in our humanitarian efforts to strengthen our impact.

On Saturday, Mercury (planet of communication) finally leaves retrograde, making us all heave a big sigh of relief. One down, two more to go. If there have been some technological issues, know they’ll soon be resolved and communication will become smoother.

Last, asteroid Ceres enters Aries on Sunday. In astrology, this asteroid represents the natural world, ruling over food, transitions, and family relationships. With Ceres in the first sign of the zodiac, this is a time to nourish new beginnings and act on raw impulses. With our intuition heightened thanks to the sun entering Pisces, this is a good time to trust your gut.

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Screen Shot 2021 02 15 at 9.33.37 AM Your Weekly Horoscope Has Good News—Mercury Retrograde Is Ending

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How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

There’s a notable shift in energy for you when the sun enters Pisces on Thursday. In your sector of privacy, the sun shines a light on what needs to be healed in your life, whether that’s past childhood scars or wounds you’ve ignored. Whatever the case, the past is coming back to haunt you for the next four weeks. After a period of being social, now is the time to keep a low profile to protect yourself from hidden enemies.

Don’t worry, it’s not all doom and gloom! The weekend looks good with Mercury turning direct in your sector of friendship on Saturday. This is a great day to hang out with friends and mend any strained relationships.

The week comes to a close when Ceres enters your sign on Sunday, bringing productive energies, a boost of self-worth, and opportunities for growth. Trust your gut.



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Let the good times roll when the sun enters Pisces on Thursday, shining its light on your sector of friendship. After weeks of hard work, the next few weeks bring windfalls as you allow yourself to cut back and hang loose with your friends. You deserve a break! This is also a good time to give a helping hand because you’ll be more empathetic.

Unfortunately, you’re not completely out of the woods yet. On Friday, Venus in Aquarius squares Mars in your sign, creating tension between your reputation and your love life. Is an office romance going sour? Is your self-image getting tarnished? Yikes!

Luckily, the universe has your back when Mercury goes direct in your career sector on Saturday, solving issues surrounding your long-term goals and professional ambitions. If there is any negative gossip about your reputation, it will be squashed. This is a good time to plan for the future.



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

After a month of educating yourself and going on adventures, it’s time to get down to business, starting on Thursday when the sun enters Pisces. The sun enters your career sector, bringing a renewed focus on your long-term goals. What is your dream job, Gemini? Are you currently doing it? If not, why not? For the next four weeks, focus on trying to make your dreams a reality.

However, it won’t be a completely smooth journey. On Friday, Venus in Aquarius squares Mars in Taurus, creating some serious tension between new ideas and gut feelings. An old pain in your heart could make its way to the surface.

Fortunately, the week ends on a positive note when Mercury finally goes direct in Aquarius. Now that your ruling planet is moving in the right direction, you feel refreshed and ready to take on new ideas. It’s a great day for traveling.



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

You can gain a new perspective on life when the sun enters Pisces on Thursday. The sun will be in your philosophy sector for the next few weeks, making you more curious and compassionate. Perhaps learning something will inspire you to get involved in a humanitarian effort. Wonderful! But watch out and don’t become so self-sacrificing that you turn into a martyr.

Venus in Aquarius squares Mars in Taurus on Friday, which could be a very sensual day as long as you don’t pay too much attention to what others think. If you’ve been exploring in more intimate ways, keep it yourself. Your friend group may not understand, and that could ruin your fun.

Finally, Mercury goes direct in Aquarius on Saturday. Mercury is now moving forward in your sector of intimacy and no longer delaying your personal growth. If you’ve been holding back old pain, you will now be able to let it go.



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Be gentle with yourself for the next four weeks, Leo. Starting on Thursday, the sun is in Pisces and your sector of intimacy. The partnerships that you built last month could be put to the test as you figure out which bonds are strong and which crack under pressure. This is a period of transformation, which isn’t always comfortable, but it is always worth it.

Fortunately, you get a bit of a break when Mercury goes direct in your sector of partnerships over the weekend. Communication between you and your partner becomes easier, with much less bickering. Focus on keeping the peace, using logic to end any fights that start.

Last, Ceres enters Aries on Sunday, making you enthusiastic and productive. This nurturing asteroid enters your sector of philosophy, increasing your interest in exploring the world and learning through doing. Go on, be daring and have an adventure!



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

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After a stressful month, your love life gets a bit of a boost when the sun enters Pisces on Thursday. The sun enters your sector of partnerships, making relationships gentle, kind, and tender. While it won’t get fully romantic until next week, it’s a good time to start daydreaming about how magical love can be.

However, there is still some tension in your preexisting relationships. On Friday, Venus in Aquarius squares Mars in Taurus and you’re torn between experimenting and doing things the “safe” way. Being a little adventurous is great, but if you aren’t into it, it could lead to an awkward night.

Fortunately, life starts to return to normal when Mercury goes direct in Aquarius on Saturday. With your ruling planet moving forward in your sector of routine, your daily routines go smoothly as you stick to healthy habits and feel productive again. Life is good!



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

The winter blues start to take a toll on you this week when the sun enters Pisces on Thursday. The sun enters your sector of routine, and with dreamy Pisces running things, expect daily life to go a little sideways. Your productivity could become unpredictable as you lose focus or fall for some very impractical ideas.

Be careful when Venus in Aquarius squares Mars in Taurus on Friday. There could be trouble in paradise. Something you thought was a simple fling could backfire when the other person catches feelings. Be honest with people, Libra. Don’t just tell them what they want to hear.

Finally, life gets a little easier when Mercury goes direct in Aquarius on Saturday. Mercury moves forward in your sector of pleasure, making it easier to express yourself. Spend the weekend focusing on creative projects and having fun. It’s been a tough week, but you survived it!



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Let your inner artist out to play! On Thursday, the sun enters creative Pisces, moving into your pleasure sector. With an increase in imagination and creativity, you’ll feel the urge to express yourself using some type of artistic medium. Even if you’ve never considered yourself the “artsy” type, this will be a lovely outlet for expressing yourself. If you’re having fun, you’re doing it right.

Friday brings stress when Venus in Aquarius squares Mars in Taurus, causing drama between your partner and your family. This will be the last time you’ll be torn between family and your personal romantic choices, but it could be a doozy, so watch out.

Finally, life gets a little easier when Mercury gets out of retrograde and moves direct in your sector of family on Saturday. This is a good time to mend fences and move forward in relationships. Extend the olive branch, Scorpio.



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

If you feel a little rebellious this week, keep it to yourself, Sagittarius. On Wednesday, Jupiter in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus. If you want to challenge the status quo, don’t go charging in there without having a well thought out plan. If you want people to listen to you, communicate with logic, not feelings.

The sun enters Pisces on Thursday, and it will be in your family sector for the next four weeks. You may feel the need to help family members and take on the caretaker role for your loved ones. That’s great, but be careful not to burn yourself out catering to others. Practice some self-care.

Finally, tensions ease when Mercury goes direct in Aquarius on Saturday. Now that it’s moving forward in your sector of communication, you can clearly express your thoughts and ideas. This is a good time to take a trip or visit siblings.



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Communication becomes imaginative, thoughtful, and understanding for the next four weeks. That’s because the sun enters Pisces on Thursday, landing in your sector of communication. This brings a period of artistic thoughts and looking at the world with empathy. This is a great time to think about how you can help others.

However, try to stay realistic. On Friday, Venus in Aquarius squares Mars in Taurus, creating a conflict between saving money and having a good time. Your heart says yes, but your wallet says no. Look for ways to have fun that are free or cheap, Capricorn.

Fortunately, things get a little easier when Mercury goes direct in Aquarius on Saturday. With the planet of communication now moving forward in your sector of value, this is a good time to figure out your finances and solve tech issues. Speak kindly to yourself and remember your worth.



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Family influences may affect your self-confidence when Jupiter in your sign squares Uranus in Taurus on Wednesday. While it might be tempting to challenge tradition and plead your case, it wouldn’t be wise because they have the upper hand for now. Focus on keeping the peace instead.

Your season comes to an end when the sun leaves your sign for Pisces on Thursday. The sun is now in your sector of value, increasing your focus on finances. This could affect your spending habits as you become less practical about how you spend money (shopping spree, anyone?) or delusional about how much money you actually have. Try not to get in your own way, Aquarius.

The week ends on a positive note when Mercury goes direct in your sign on Saturday. You’ll be able to communicate your thoughts and ideas with ease. Logic is on your side here, so use it.



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

After a long month, your season officially begins when the sun enters your sign on Thursday, putting you in the spotlight. Happy birthday to you! The next four weeks bring a new beginning and opportunities as you start feeling more hopeful about the next stage of life. Trust your gut because your intuition will guide you in the right direction. Dream big, Pisces!

However, a small setback could occur when Venus in Aquarius squares Mars in Taurus on Friday, creating a struggle around how you feel. When you merely need some privacy and space, you could come across as cold and aloof to loved ones.

No worries, because Mercury goes direct in Aquarius on Saturday. Mercury moves forward in your sector of privacy, making it easier to express your emotional needs and ask for help. You’ll be able to better understand your subconscious feelings, especially if you’ve been acting out recently.


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