Sagittarius season is just around the corner! But in the meantime, your Sagittarius November 2021 horoscope is encouraging you to dig deep into your soul and embrace introspection. As a new moon dawns in your 12th house of healing on November 4, it will be a chance to let go of what you’re no longer responsible for carrying and to find a sense of inner peace. Breathe in and breathe out.
While you may be connecting with your spirituality this month, you’re also embracing your luxurious side as of November 5. This is when Venus will enter your sensual second house, inspiring you to titillate your five senses. Wear intoxicating perfume, get a massage, go for a shopping date and buy yourself roses! You may even feel like indulging in some well-deserved alone time as Mercury enters your 12th house of solitude, encouraging you to connect with your intuition and your inner voice. Listen to yourself.
However, as Mercury and Mars join forces on November 10, you may feel somewhat overwhelmed by secrets you’ve been keeping to yourself. You may feel the instinct to come clean and to unload all the baggage you’ve been holding onto. But as the Mercury-Mars conjunction slams into a square with Saturn, it may be difficult to find the right words. This could present a challenge to your communication abilities, so remember not to leave anything up for too much interpretation.
By November 12, you may stumble upon the love and understanding you’re craving. As the sun forms a trine with Neptune, you may recognize who you can trust and who makes you feel at home. Open your heart to the idea that you deserve to be loved, just as you are!
Pay extra attention to your physical needs by November 19! As a lunar eclipse casts a shadow over your sixth house of wellbeing, it may bring your attention to the ways in which your habits haven’t been setting you up for success. Remember—your health is never something you should sacrifice for the sake of your work.
Mark November 21 on your calendar, because this is when the sun finally enters adventurous, spontaneous and free-spirited Sagittarius. This shift could leave you feeling energized and ready to go, so make use of all this additional excitement and explore the world, Sag!
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