Good morning and happy Cyber Monday shopping to all! Your weekly horoscope for November 29 to December 5 2021 has arrived. ‘Tis finally the season! But before we break out the presents and tell Alexa to play the song of the season—yes, I am referring to the super smash hit “All I Want for Christmas Is You”—we have to get through the first 24 days of December and the rest of Sagittarius season. Beginning on Tuesday, Mercury (planet of communication) in Sagittarius goes into an electric sextile with Saturn (planet of limitations) in Aquarius along with the sun.
Aquarius’ normally zany energy is a little more tempered in Saturn, so this energy gives the collective the opportunity to properly harness the otherwise chaotic Sagittarian energy. The next day, Neptune (planet of illusion) in Pisces returns to her direct movement, de-hazing the additional confusion caused by the planet’s retrograde motion.
Most interestingly, this week closes with a solar eclipse on Saturday. Although it’s also a new moon, this isn’t the best time to manifest our desires. Instead, consider glancing backward at the year at large and simply the past. The future glimmers brightly ahead, so in true Sag spirit, release what’s been ailing you and forge ahead!
How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

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Let your freak flag fly high this week when Mars in Scorpio forms a trine with Neptune in Pisces on Monday, encouraging you to make one of your most intimate fantasies a reality. Don’t be afraid to get a little creative as you go after what you want, Aries.
Spend Wednesday getting lost in your private world when Neptune turns direct in Pisces, moving forward in your privacy zone. While you might be inspired by your dreams, focus on ways to make them a reality instead of just a fantasy.
The solar eclipse and new moon in Sagittarius and your philosophy zone on Saturday could bring some news that changes your whole worldview and understanding of important issues. This new knowledge could rock you on a personal level, but try to deal with any changes with an open mind and good humor. After all, you can always change your perspective.

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You may have met your match when Venus in Capricorn forms a sextile with Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday, showing that your relationship is starting to look like the love affair of your dreams. It’s a great day to fall in love and start to build a future with the right partner.
A better world is possible, Taurus. You just have to make it happen when Neptune turns direct on Wednesday, moving forward in your social zone. Your inner humanitarian comes out as you daydream about a perfect, equal world. But why just dream about it? Take steps to put those dreams into action.
The new year is almost here and you’re ready to empower yourself during the solar eclipse and new moon in Sagittarius and your intimacy zone on Saturday. Use this as an opportunity to dig deep to discover what areas you need to grow in.

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Compromise is the key to understanding this week when Mercury in Sagittarius forms a sextile with Saturn in Aquarius on Tuesday. Setting boundaries at the start of your relationship can help you expand your important bond and become a more understanding, open-minded person.
You have big dreams and you’ll have an opportunity to make them a reality when Neptune goes direct in Pisces on Wednesday. Neptune will be moving forward in your career zone for the rest of the year. However, while you’re putting together vision boards and daydreaming about being the boss, start forming a solid plan to make it happen.
Love and war are both possibilities during the solar eclipse and new moon in Sagittarius and your partnership zone on Saturday. You’re encouraged to play your cards right and keep your sassy mouth in check. Breakups are possible, Gemini, but so is making up.

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Begin the week by indulging in creativity and pleasure when Mars in Scorpio forms a trine with Neptune in Pisces on Monday, making it an excellent day to start artistic projects. You’ll have the drive and imagination to complete them, so dream big and don’t settle for less.
You’re also ready to start learning when Neptune turns direct in Pisces and your philosophy zone on Wednesday. Whether you’ve been dreaming about going back to school, having a grand adventure, or making unique discoveries, now is the time to take the first steps toward that ambition.
Saturday brings some stress when the solar eclipse and new moon are in Sagittarius and your habit zone, throwing your routines out of whack because you’ll have a difficult time focusing on anything. Instead of sticking to the script, Cancer, spend the day taking care of others, like volunteering at an animal shelter.

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Begin the week by showing off your unique talents to help form partnerships when the sun in Sagittarius forms a sextile with Saturn in Aquarius on Tuesday. Whether you are getting people to invest in your business, planning a creative date, or just showing off, it’s your time to shine, Leo.
After months of feeling stuck, find inspiration in your imagination when Neptune turns direct in Pisces on Wednesday, moving forward in your intimacy zone. The next few months will be a period of personal and spiritual growth as you search within yourself to discover what needs to change in your life.
Saturday brings the solar eclipse in Sagittarius and your pleasure zone. While this isn’t the best time to start a creative project, it’s an ideal time to work on your relaxing hobbies. Host a movie or game night with your friends to chill out and enjoy each other’s company.

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If you’ve been stuck on a problem lately, ask your family for advice when Mercury in Sagittarius forms a sextile with Saturn in Aquarius on Tuesday. Adulting can be hard, so ask for help from the people who’ve been at it much longer than you. You could learn some tips that help improve your mental health.
Wednesday brings daydreams about love and romance when Neptune turns direct in Pisces and your partnership zone. While you watch cheesy rom-coms, you might start dreaming about your “perfect” partner. Why not actually find that person in real life, Virgo? Download a dating app and starts swiping.
Saturday brings some anxiety when the solar eclipse and new moon are in Sagittarius and your home zone, making it difficult to feel safe and secure right now. Spend the night at a family member’s home or have a self-care night to relax.

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Use your charms and superb social graces to bring some pleasure to your life when the sun in Sagittarius forms a sextile with Saturn in Aquarius on Tuesday. Whether you’re spending the day writing, speaking, or doing some serious flirting, it’ll be very entertaining with big rewards.
Wednesday brings productive vibes when Neptune goes direct in Pisces and your habit zone. Life can be very stressful right now, Libra, so find ways to cope that don’t resort to toxic escapism. Yoga, coloring, working out, and Reiki healing are great ways to take care of yourself.
The solar eclipse and new moon are in Sagittarius and your communication zone on Saturday, making it a pretty overwhelming night. It could be busy if you take on too many projects at once. Don’t stress yourself out trying to cross off everything on your to-do list. Instead, spend the night relaxing with friends and siblings.

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Pleasure comes along in all different ways when Mars in your sign forms a trine with Neptune in Pisces on Monday. It can create opportunities for seduction because everyone seems to be very attracted to you. Find entertainment in all its forms: physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual.
On Wednesday, allow yourself to unwind and let your dreams entertain you when Neptune turns direct in Pisces. Neptune will be moving forward in your pleasure zone for the rest of the year, making it tempting to escape into dreamland occasionally. However, if you truly want to enjoy your life, you have to get out there and live it.
Spend Saturday connecting to all of your senses during the solar eclipse and new moon in Sagittarius and your value zone. You could have a strong desire to eat delicious food, wear soft clothing, and listen to great music. Indulge in these desires, Scorpio. You deserve to feel good.

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Your week begins with opportunities for self-expression when the sun in your sign forms a sextile with Saturn in Aquarius on Tuesday. This can increase your mental quickness as thoughts and ideas flow through you with ease. This is a great day to teach others because you’ll have the patience to communicate with beginners.
Fantasies about the “perfect” family fill your head as we get closer to the holiday season and Neptune turns direct in Pisces and your home zone on Wednesday. However, your real life might not measure up to your daydreams. Embrace the messiness, Sagittarius. It’s what makes life magical.
Saturday brings a powerful energy when the solar eclipse is in your sign, bringing waves of positivity. While it isn’t the best day to make radical changes to your life, it’s a great day to try something new. Just make it small like a new restaurant or workout.

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Start the week showing yourself some love when Venus in your sign forms a sextile with Neptune in Pisces on Tuesday. By loving yourself, you’re learning to express yourself better and view yourself in a positive light. Start manifesting your dream life and surround yourself with loved ones.
Continue to talk about your dreams when Neptune turns direct in Pisces and your communication zone on Wednesday. Your big, ambitious ideas sound great, but how realistic are they? Are they achievable? It’s okay to have your head in the clouds, but just make sure your feet are firmly on the ground.
Spend Saturday recharging your spiritual batteries when the solar eclipse and new moon are in Sagittarius and your privacy zone. You’re encouraged to spend time by yourself to unwind and do a little soul-searching to have a major emotional breakthrough. Let it out, Capricorn!

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Helping others can help you grow as a person when the sun in Sagittarius forms a sextile with Saturn in your sign on Tuesday. We’re still in the season of giving, so this is an excellent time to help those in need and give back to your community.
However, you still have money on the mind when Neptune turns direct in Pisces and your value zone on Wednesday. While you’re dreaming about all the items you could buy for yourself, don’t forget your altruistic side. You don’t need material things to be happy.
Continue to focus on the greater good during the solar eclipse in Sagittarius on Saturday. The new moon is in your social zone, encouraging you to look outside of yourself and see how you can help others. It doesn’t have to be big, Aquarius. Just running errands for an elderly neighbor is important.

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Your friends have your back when Venus in Capricorn forms a sextile with Neptune in your sign on Tuesday. A sudden windfall or a key social connection can help you unlock a dream you’ve been hoping to achieve, so don’t be afraid to ask for help from your friends.
On Wednesday, your ruling planet Neptune starts to move forward in your sign after a long retrograde. This is a great time for a fresh start as you strive toward your dream self. Reinvention is good, Pisces, but don’t pretend to be something you’re not.
Use the solar eclipse and new moon in Sagittarius and your career zone on Saturday to think about your goals and ambitions. While it isn’t the day to make any major power moves, it is a good day to take career-advancement courses or attend seminars to further your knowledge of your profession.
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