
miércoles, 21 de junio de 2017

How to Get the Rose Gold Hair Filling Your Instagram Feed

Maybe it’s because the hot days of summer are making me a little cray, but right now more than anything else in the world I wish I was the owner of rose gold hair color (and maybe a matching helicopter like Poppy Delevingne) right this very second.

The particular shade has been pervading my Instagram feed lately alongside #rosegoldhair—yours too, I bet—with It-girls, bloggers and even some of my more adventurous acquaintances going from blonde or brunette to rose gold.

Right now I’m a light brunette—virgin hair that hasn’t been dyed in more than 10 years—and Bumble and Bumble colorist Amelia Trammell (who said she’s been taking a few clients rose gold lately, including this one) warned me that if I were take the plunge, it could mean saying goodbye to my natural color for a (very) long time, explaining that if blondes want to try out rose gold, it’s no big deal—it’s just a tonal change. It’s a little more tricky for dark hair, however, because you’re going from brown to blonde—a heavy lift. 

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Still, if you’re feeling brave, head into a salon where a colorist will first bleach your hair with foils or painting to lift it to “at least golden or lighter”—the lighter the hair, the more vibrant the tone will feel. “The whole process will take around two or three hours, depending on how much hair there is and what the existing color is,” Trammell explained. Once you’re sufficiently blonde, Trammell says she adds a tinted gloss to deposit the rose gold shade. 

Afterwards you’ll be in for some work to maintain the color, and it’s a good idea to avoid washing your hair for two or three days. Then, use a color-safe shampoo and cold water, which “keeps the cuticle from opening and all the color rinsing out.” From that point, Trammell recommends washing your hair as infrequently as possible to lengthen the life of the rose gold shade. “Incorporating a dry shampoo like Prêt-à-Powder is always good to prolong the style and keep from shampooing so frequently,” she suggested.

MORE: Kylie Jenner Debuts Rose Gold Hair on Instagram, Looks Insanely Gorgeous

If you’re tempted to try get the color in the confines of your bathroom, please don’t—no matter how many YouTube tutorials you watch. “I’d strongly recommend not doing this at home,” Trammell warned. “You’ll most likely end up with orange, spotty hair and I’ll be the one fixing it!”

Feeling inspired? Click through the slideshow to see how real women are doing rose gold hair on Instagram.

Originally published April 2016. Updated June 2017.

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