
miércoles, 23 de agosto de 2017

Head-Turners: 30 Gorgeous Fall Hairstyles to Try

Though it was starting to feel like it might never happen, fall is finally a few short weeks away. That means two things: You can actually arrive to work without sweat dripping down your face and outfit, and it’s time to start giving a shit about your hair again. But if you’re anything like us, you’ve gotten so used to throwing your hair into a DGAF bun for the last three months that the thought of styling your hair in a polished, intentional way is a little daunting.

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So, we decided to make the transition a little easier. We scanned the best of fall street style for super-pretty yet easy hairstyles you’ll be into all season long. From big, messy braids to sleek, gelled-back looks, you might even want to get a jump on trying these 30 styles even though fall isn’t technically here yet.

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