
lunes, 22 de enero de 2018

All the Right Moves: 10 Sex Positions to Help You Mix it Up in Bed

Lazy sex syndrome is definitely a real thing—and for good reason. In the heat of the moment, it doesn’t always feel organic to stop what you’re doing and rearrange your bodies and limbs into a new and adventurous position. In other words: Why reinvent the so-called wheel when you can settle into the oh-so-comfortable spoon position, or revert to the position that always, unfailingly gets you off?

I’ll give you a few reasons to consider. First of all, you never know where a different-than-normal position might lead—and while an orgasm might be one of the lucky results of trying something new, it could also simply be a tantalizing way to build things up; a strategy to keep things fresh with your partner; or an excuse to appreciate all the awesome things our bodies can do.

MORE: 10 Love and Sex Goals Worth Striving For All Year Long

While the 10 positions here don’t require Cirque de Soleil-level athleticism, some require a little more effort (and, occasionally, flexibility) than most of your standard sex positions. And some are minor twists on classics that are just a good reminder to try every so often. Trust: Even incorporating one of these or so per week will add juicy variety to your sexual repertoire that you and your partner will love.

A version of this article originally appeared in October 2016.

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