
jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2020

Pisces, Your 2021 Horoscope Predicts Lots Of Personal Growth & Healing

2020 was filled with changes that hit you close to home. After all, the North Node entered your fourth house of home and family, encouraging you to return to your roots and let compassion lead you forward. However, as the South Node transited your career sector, you may have also grappled with lost opportunities and failings that made it hard to keep going. Don’t give up yet, because your Pisces 2021 horoscope is proof that the journey’s just beginning.


You’re in for a magical Venus return. During mid-March, Venus will be in your first house of the self as it forms a conjunction with Neptune, infusing your love life with a mystical and romantic sparkle. It will also deepen your love for yourself!

During August, Venus will transit your seventh house of partnerships and connect with Pluto and Uranus, increasing emotional closeness and excitement in your love life. However, Mercury will retrograde through your intimate eighth house from September to October, bringing up power imbalances and forcing you to work through emotional attachments.


This could be a majorly momentous year for your business pursuits and goals! After all, a lunar eclipse in late May and a solar eclipse in mid-December will activate your ambitious 10th house, evoking unexpected shifts in your career trajectory. You may find yourself accepting opportunities you never would have considered before, and letting of dreams that you’ve outgrown.

You have the power to team up with others and accomplish something meaningful together as Venus forms a conjunction with Pluto in your 11th house of community during late January. However, it might require you to rethink your boundaries and share the wealth by the end of April, when Venus in your second house of resources squares off with Pluto.


2021 is a year filled with so much personal growth and expansion of the self. However, it won’t feel as difficult; it’ll all be invigorating and exciting! Jupiter will take a brief but powerful trip through Pisces from May to July, introducing you to a confidence and abundance that lifts your spirits to new heights.

However, this is not the year to run from your problems or your true feelings, as Saturn and Jupiter will spend the rest of the year awakening your 12th house of spirituality and putting you through the process of internal healing.


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