
lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2020

This Week Kicks Off With A Solar Eclipse & Your Weekly Horoscope Has The Tea

Hello and welcome to your weekly horoscope for December 14-20 2020! This is a busy week for the planets, starting on Monday when the new moon and solar eclipse are in Sagittarius.

On Tuesday, Venus (planet of love) enters Sagittarius and Chiron goes back into direct in Aries. While this is a great time for following adventure, healing the soul, and embracing one’s inner wild child, this isn’t the best time to make any major life decisions—especially when it comes to romance and finances.

On Wednesday, Saturn (planet of foundation) reenters Aquarius, where it stays until 2023. This is a double whammy, with Jupiter (planet of illusion) entering the sign on Saturday. While we may not feel the shift in energy immediately, expect to move away from traditional ways of doing things and be more focused on innovation and outside-the-box thinking.

Mercury (planet of communication) enters Capricorn on Sunday, bringing some seriousness to thoughts and communication. While this might be a great time for business deals and career ambitions, it’s not great for romance.

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STYLECASTER | weekly horoscopes

Courtesy of New Moon Beginnings.

Buy: Sacred Smudge Candles $14

Use Monday’s new moon as an opportunity to rid your life of negative energy. If burning actual sage isn’t your thing, these Sacred Smudge Candles with cedar, sage and lavender get the job done and look beautiful at the same time. They’re also the perfect holiday gift for your witchy BFF, just saying.


How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Start the week by focusing on your physical, mental, and spiritual health. Chiron goes back into direct in your sign on Tuesday. Now that the wounded healer is moving in the right direction, you can focus on healing your inner wounds. What have you been neglecting over the last few months? Drinking too much caffeine? Not getting enough sleep? Melting down? Focus on how to take care of yourself.

Your quest for self-care gets transformed when Saturn enters Aquarius on Wednesday and you’re encouraged to switch things up. A new fitness routine? Reiki healing? Hypnosis? You’re known for trying anything once, Aries, so give it a go!

Last, try to spend some time with your friends when Jupiter enters Aquarius on Saturday. The holiday season is a time of connection and surrounding yourself with loved ones. Put all the stresses to the side and focus on being present.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

We understand, Taurus. December can be a romantic month—it’s perfect cuddling weather! But try to be a little chill about your romantic affairs because you could be moving too quickly with someone. This is especially true when the solar eclipse is in Sagittarius on Monday and making romance hot. However, don’t try to make any commitments during the light of the full moon. It might not work out.

It gets even more tempting when Venus enters Sagittarius on Tuesday. However, take a moment to figure out if that is lust or Cupid’s arrow. Fortunately (well, unfortunately for you), your passions start to cool when Saturn reenters Aquarius on Wednesday.

Jupiter entering Aquarius on Saturday brings some new and unexpected energy to your world, especially your career sector. Some new changes are coming at your job that may throw you for a loop. Again, chill.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Monday brings excellent news when the solar eclipse is in fiery Sagittarius, creating some warmth and heat in your life. The news you’ve been waiting for—from either a romantic or business partnership—will have you on cloud nine. However, don’t make it official until next year.

The warm fuzzies keep coming when Venus enters Sagittarius on Tuesday. Now that Venus is in your sector of partnerships, you’re feeling great about your love life and life in general. Enjoy!

New ideas fill you with joy, curiosity, and wonder when Saturn reenters Aquarius on Wednesday and Jupiter enters the sign on Saturday. If you suddenly come up with a wild idea, do it! It just might be crazy enough to work. Saturn and Jupiter are in your sector of philosophy, increasing your interest in ideas, beliefs, and higher education. Let your curiosity guide you.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Let loose and have fun this week, Cancer! It all starts on Monday with the new moon in fiery Sagittarius. This new moon is in your sector of routine, encouraging you to shake things up. Go to bed later, get a fancy latte, spend your lunch break in the park. Do whatever makes you feel good!

Venus enters Sagittarius on Tuesday, bringing more creativity and spontaneity to your routine. This is a great time to change your style, how you do your hair, and even your winter plans. Just make sure your wallet can handle it.

Your inner world gets shaken up starting when Saturn enters Aquarius on Wednesday and Jupiter enters the sign on Saturday. Both planets are in your sector of intimacy, making you look inward for peace and transformation. Get ready for an intense period of growth in the coming months.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Take a walk on the wild side starting on Monday when the new moon is in fellow fire sign Sagittarius. The moon is in your sector of pleasure, making it a great night to do what makes you feel good. Whether it’s dancing, taking a relaxing bubble bath, or getting a little naughty, it’ll feel very nice.

On Tuesday, these good vibes continue when love planet Venus arrives in Sagittarius and your sector of pleasure. The next few weeks are an excellent time to decorate your place, switch up your style, start a hobby, and answer those “u up?” texts.

Partnerships take center stage in your life starting when Saturn enters Aquarius and your sector of partnership on Wednesday, followed by Jupiter on Saturday. You may see a certain shift in some important relationships in your life. Trust your gut, Leo.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Whoa, Virgo! You’re in for a busy week, so get your planner ready. First, there are two new planets entering your family sector when the new moon is in Sagittarius on Monday and Venus enters the fiery sign on Tuesday. This brings a full house of planets in your domestic life that could lead to some family stress during the holiday season. Remember to breathe!

Saturn reenters Aquarius on Wednesday, and Jupiter enters the sign on Saturday. Both planets are in your sector of routine, so prepare for your daily routine to get shaken up for the next few months. Focus on your health and well-being and consider adding yoga or a workout to your morning.

Last, Mercury enters Capricorn on Sunday, giving you the stability that you need. Pay close attention to the little details for the next couple of weeks. They could have a major impact over the long term.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

You are full of energy this week! Thank the planets for this burst of vitality when the new moon is in Sagittarius on Monday and Venus enters the sign on Tuesday. These planets are in your sector of communication and thought, giving you all the tools to solve problems quickly. Holiday shopping? Done! Helping your family figure out video chats? Taken care of! You are on fire, Libra!

Things only get better when Saturn enters Aquarius on Wednesday. While many other signs are in full freak-out mode, you are calm, cool, and collected under this planetary shift. Saturn is in your sector of pleasure, making this transition a breeze.

Speaking of pleasure, Jupiter, the planet of luck, enters Aquarius on Saturday, bringing some fun and excitement along with it. This is the perfect time to try something new. It is sure to be fun and highly successful.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

The week starts out with the new moon and Venus in fiery Sagittarius on Monday and Tuesday, respectively. These planets in your sector of value could make you a little reckless with your spending. Sure, we get that online shopping is very tempting this time of year, but try to be mindful about your purchases before you buy.

Family matters add to the holiday stress starting when Saturn enters Aquarius on Wednesday and Jupiter enters the sign on Saturday. These planets are in your sector of domestic affairs, which may manifest in family drama. Put on a brave face, Scorpio. It will be over soon.

Fortunately, you’ll get some relief when Mercury enters Capricorn and your sector of communication on Sunday. This is a great time to put your mind on your career, but be careful to proofread any work e-mails before you send them.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

You’re quite popular, Sagittarius, with more planets in your sign. The first is the new moon on Monday, which adds some extra brightness to your day. Venus enters your sign on Tuesday, giving you an extra boost in matters of love and finance. Keep focusing on yourself and everything else will fall into place.

Saturn enters Aquarius on Wednesday, keeping the planet of work in your sector of communication for the next couple of years. While you won’t see the effects right away, expect some deep thinking and struggles with communication in the future, especially when your ideas are a little unusual for most people.

Then, on Saturday, your ruler Jupiter enters quirky Aquarius and your sector of communication. This is an ideal time to look for some intellectual stimulation to keep life exciting. Add a puzzle or online course to your schedule.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

If you feel a little moody or withdrawn this week, don’t be afraid to take some time out for yourself. The new moon is in Sagittarius on Monday, and Venus enters the sign on Tuesday. It’s your sector of healing, so this could bring up some old wounds. Take some time to focus on your internal world so you don’t lash out at others.

The week takes a different turn when Saturn enters Aquarius on Wednesday and Jupiter enters the sign on Saturday. These planets are in your sector of value, keeping you focused on money. This is a good time to begin plans to start a new business.

Finally, your luck turns around when Mercury enters your sign on Sunday, encouraging grounding and connecting with others. Life is going to get more serious in the coming weeks, so don’t be afraid to lean on your friends for support.



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

If holiday stress is getting you down, don’t be afraid to ask for some help from your friends. The new moon is in Sagittarius and your sector of friendship on Monday, and Venus enters the sign on Tuesday. Even if you have a million things going on, take a moment to video chat with your loved ones. Even better, do your errands with your friends. It will save your sanity.

Get ready to feel powerful on Wednesday when Saturn reenters your sign, where it will stay until 2023. While you may not feel the results of this shift right away, be mindful of your reputation and public image for the next couple of months. Your eccentricity will really rub off on people now!

Then on Saturday, Jupiter, the planet of luck, enters your sign and brings some good vibes your way. Keep dancing to the beat of your own drum, Aquarius!



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Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Buckle up, Pisces, because this week could be a wild ride. It starts when the new moon is in Sagittarius on Monday and Venus enters the sign on Tuesday. Both planets are in your career sector, which could create stress at the office when everything goes at a much quicker pace. Try to roll with the changes and remember to breathe.

Sink into your inner world starting on Wednesday when strict Saturn enters Aquarius, and Jupiter enters the sign on Saturday. Both planets in your sector of privacy could make you extra sensitive. It’s tempting to put up your walls as you heal, but don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Speaking of reaching out, the best day to do that would be when Mercury enters Capricorn and your sector of friendship on Sunday. Your friends can provide the stability you need to stay grounded.


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