Good morning and welcome to your weekly horoscope for December 21-27 2020! After plenty of movement last week, the planets are relatively chill, either to give us some time off or to let us adjust to the new placements—especially the impact of Jupiter (planet of luck) and Saturn (planet of foundation) entering Aquarius last week.
Speaking of Jupiter and Saturn, the two planets conjoin on Monday—which just happens to be the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. However, just because the day is short it doesn’t mean we’re getting off the hook so easily. This aspect is a pretty big deal because it could bring huge changes to our lives—especially in terms of politics and economics. (Just when you thought 2020 was done with us.)
Also on Monday, the sun enters Capricorn. During the darkest day of the year, it’s a good time to focus on career and the community we live in. This is also a great time for building, being ambitious, and planning for the future.
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Speaking of planning for the future, isn’t it time to order your 2021 planner? Write down your highest aspirations and start taking concrete steps to making them realities on January 1.
How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

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This is a week of contraction. It’s both a very slow week, with little planetary movement, and a busy week in which all major movement happens on the same day. It all starts on Monday, the winter solstice and the shortest day of the year. But even though we spend most of the day in the dark, your heat will surely light things up.
On Monday, the sun enters ambition Capricorn, where it will stay for the next four weeks. The sun moves into your career sector, giving you opportunities to get ahead in your work. Use your leadership abilities and natural charm to make progress. You might even start 2021 with a promotion.
Last, Jupiter conjoins Saturn in Aquarius on Monday. These planets are in your sector of friendship, encouraging you to expand your circle of acquaintances or strengthen your existing friendships. Sounds fun!

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
This week is about adapting to change during the winter solstice on Monday. Just because you have fewer hours of daylight it doesn’t mean those hours can’t pack enough action to last all week.
First, the sun enters fellow earth sign Capricorn, giving you stability. The sun is now in your sector of philosophy, so you will focus more on understanding the world around you for the next four weeks. You might begin a quest of discovery, learning about cultures, beliefs, and philosophies that differ from yours.
Also on Monday, Jupiter and Saturn conjoin in Aquarius, creating a stir in your career sector. You could face some sudden changes to your work or reputation that clash with your more traditional view on life. Try to keep an open mind. Flow with the changes without stubbornly staying rooted in one spot or you could be left in the dust.

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
While most of this week is rather chill, Monday gives us one last change before the new year. Remember, Monday is the winter solstice and the shortest day of the year, so order a double peppermint mocha to deal with the fatigue and remember to breathe.
First, Jupiter and Saturn conjoin in Aquarius, making it a great day to explore new ideas and discover new things. Feed your curiosity and you’ll be very satisfied.
Also on Monday, the sun enters disciplined Capricorn, which means that both the sun and Mercury are now in your sector of privacy. This could be a difficult time for you, Gemini, because you’ll be pushed toward growth, change, and release over the next few weeks, a process that can be rather uncomfortable. A word of advice? Don’t try to cling to something that isn’t meant for you.

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
While this might seem like a quiet week, big changes are coming. It all begins with the winter solstice on Monday when the sun enters Capricorn on the shortest day of the year.
The sun will be in your sector of partnerships for the next four weeks, bringing more seriousness to your close connections. This could manifest itself in relationships becoming more committed, flings becoming couples, and even talk of marriage. It can also shine a light on serious relationship issues that you can no longer ignore. Mercury entered the sign of the Goat on Sunday, so expect some deep conversations.
Also happening on Monday, Jupiter conjoins Saturn in Aquarius. These planets meet in your sector of intimacy, creating opportunities for personal growth and change. Embrace these internal changes even if you experience some growing pains. These new discoveries will help you in the year ahead.

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
Let’s get physical, Leo! No, not that type of physical! It’s about moving your body and getting serious about your physical and mental well-being. On Monday, the sun enters Capricorn, bringing the winter solstice and the start of winter. The sun enters your sector of health, so the focus is on wellness for the next four weeks.
It’s tempting to hibernate in winter, but you need to push yourself to stay active. Whether it means buying workout equipment, starting your New Year’s resolutions early, or just taking a good look at how you’re feeling, health is deeply important right now.
Also happening on Monday, Jupiter conjoins Saturn in Aquarius. This aspect happens in your sector of partnerships, bringing some major shake-ups in your relationships. Brace yourself for some heavy conversations and necessary work.

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While the days are much shorter, Virgo, you are positively glowing. Thank Capricorn for this burst of good vibes because the sun will be in the sign of the Goat for the next four weeks, starting on Monday.
The sun enters your sector of pleasure, bringing fun and passion to your life. This is a great time to get creative and express yourself. If you’ve neglected some of your old hobbies, now is the time to dive back in with renewed passion. Monday is the shortest day of the year, but every day after that gets a little longer and brighter. Channel that brightness into loving life.
Also happening on the winter solstice, Jupiter conjoins Saturn in Aquarius, your sector of routine. This might cause a disruption in your plans for the day but try to roll with the changes no matter what happens.

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This time of year is made for family gatherings and seeing loved ones. While you love them, Libra, they can sometimes drive you up the wall! This is especially true during the winter solstice on Monday when the sun enters Capricorn.
For the next four weeks, the sun will be in your family sector, shedding some light on a few serious family matters. Whether you’re dealing with some batty relatives or working through issues in your home, it could snowball into some major tension.
Fortunately, it isn’t all doom and gloom. Also happening on Monday, Jupiter conjoins Saturn in Aquarius and your sector of pleasure. If you get too stressed out from everything that’s going on, it’s okay to seek comfort in a good book, TV show, or creative project. If worse comes to worst, you can find some stress relief in a “u up?” text. Whatever works.

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
It’s been a long year, Scorpio, but the end is almost in sight. Kiss 2020 goodbye in style by doing something fabulously fun.
Monday is the winter solstice. The sun enters Capricorn and your sector of communication, where it will stay for the next four weeks. This creates opportunities to talk with friends and take short trips. Plan a fun adventure with your loved ones even if it has to be virtual.
But that’s not the only thing going on during the winter solstice. Jupiter conjoins Saturn in Aquarius and your family sector that day, bringing tension, stress, and a few shake-ups to your family life. If you get sucked into a feud, try to find a solution. Even it means giving in to the wishes of your older relatives, just try to get through it the best you can.

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
No one likes it when the sun leaves their sign, but having it happen on the darkest day of the year adds insult to injury. The sun leaves your sign for Capricorn on Monday, the winter solstice, and Mercury left your sign on Sunday.
Keep the faith, Sagittarius! The sun and Mercury are now in your sector of value, putting your mind on your money and your money on your mind. Use this quiet week to start strategizing your financial and career moves for the future. And don’t forget to finish up your holiday shopping!
Also on Monday, communication issues could bring you some quirky surprises when Jupiter conjoins Saturn in Aquarius and your sector of communication. Someone’s constant chatter could be driving you up the wall. For your sanity’s sake, unplug and get lost in nature for a little while!

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
This is your season, Capricorn! It’s time to celebrate! The start of your season begins when the sun enters your sign on Monday. It’s also the winter solstice and the shortest day of the year. Spend this first day connecting with loved ones and friends you haven’t seen in a while. They can give you a boost.
Every day after that the days get longer, showing just how much you brighten things up. Spend the next four weeks working hard on your goals and planning your world domination. Get ready to conquer 2021!
You’re going to need that boost when Jupiter conjoins Saturn in Aquarius, also on Monday, bringing some challenges in terms of money and possessions. Don’t let petty annoyances get the better of you. Remember, you are the G.O.A.T. You can handle anything.

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
On the longest night of the year, you might start asking yourself some serious questions about who you are and where you’re going in life. It’s been a rough year, and a new one is just around the corner. How are you handling things?
These deep questions are brought to you by the sun entering Capricorn during the winter solstice on Monday. The sun will be in your sector of privacy for the next four weeks, shining a light on your inner world and old wounds. Depending on where you put your energy, this could lead to a period of healing or to self-destruction.
However, Jupiter and Saturn conjoin in your sign, also on Monday, which will remind you to take care of yourself. Go outside, try a new hobby, video chat with your friends, do anything that helps you get back to feeling like yourself. It will keep you grounded.

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
Friendships get examined when the sun enters Capricorn on Monday. This is the same day as the winter solstice and the shortest day of the year.
With the sun in your sector of social connections, you’re encouraged to take a serious look at your relationships. Are there toxic people in your life? It’s time to make some tough choices about which friends you should keep and which you should let go. Also remember to look at what kind of friend you are to others. Do you give more than you take? Do you play the martyr?
These questions will come up when Jupiter conjoins Saturn in Aquarius and your sector of privacy on Monday. Any resentment you have toward people and society could come bubbling to the surface to be released in some surprising ways. Try to cope with this without shutting everyone out.
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