
lunes, 19 de abril de 2021

Your Weekly Horoscope Says You’ll Be Extra-Sensitive & Moody—Here’s Why

Hello, and welcome to your weekly horoscope for April 19-25—it’s officially Taurus season! Get ready for stability, practicality, and determination when both the sun (planet of self) and Mercury (planet of communication) enter the sign of the Bull on Monday. While more action-oriented signs (fire) may feel stuck, Taurus shows us that slow and steady really does win the race as we move toward our realistic goals.

Friday brings another major planetary movement when Mars (planet of anger) enters Cancer. Mars will be in its fall for the next six weeks, meaning that this watery sign isn’t the warrior planet’s favorite place to be. Expect to be hypersensitive, overprotective, and very moody during this period. A lot of intense feelings are coming our way. Have some tissues handy!

Stay on your toes when Mercury squares Saturn (planet of foundation) and Jupiter (planet of abundance) in Aquarius on Sunday because communication will be difficult. Excitement over future plans could distract us from paying attention to important details. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It could prevent you from making some serious errors.

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STYLECASTER | Weekly Horoscope

Courtesy of SUNYIK.

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How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week



STYLECASTER | Aries Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Money is on your mind this week, Aries. On Monday, both the sun and Mercury enter Taurus, landing in your sector of value. While this isn’t the time for get-rich-quick schemes, it’s a great time to get your finances together and see where you can find some extra cash. However, watch out, because you could become possessive about people and things.

This is especially the case when Mars enters Cancer on Friday. Your ruling planet enters your family zone, making you passionate about setting up a beautiful home, starting a family, or doing some much-needed self-care. Home is where the heart is.

However, while family is important, don’t try to borrow money from them when Mercury squares Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius on Sunday. Asking for financial help could rub certain family members the wrong way. Focus on what you can do solo.



STYLECASTER | Taurus Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

It’s your time to shine, Taurus! Monday officially marks your season when both Mercury and the sun enter your sign, making it all about you. For the next couple of weeks, you are stepping into your power with opportunities for new beginnings. Go forth as you head toward sensible goals with your determined spirit.

If you haven’t spoken to a neighbor or sibling in a while, give them a ring when Mars enters Cancer on Friday. Mars will be in your sector of communication for the next six weeks, encouraging you to get in touch with friends, siblings, and neighbors even if it’s just a quick phone call or short visit.

The week ends on a romantic note when Mercury conjoins Venus on Sunday. This is a great day for a first date, flirting, or just using your love language to show someone you care. Spread the love!



STYLECASTER | Gemini Zodiac Sign

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If life is feeling a little unsteady, take a step back this week. On Monday, Mercury and the sun enter Taurus, landing in your privacy zone. Taurus offers you some grounding as you retreat away from the material world and into your inner world. Focus on healing for the next few weeks. Less talk, Gemini, more listening.

Fortunately, Mars may help you on your self-care quest when it enters Cancer on Friday. Mars will be in your sector of value for the next six weeks, encouraging you to boost your self-esteem. However, don’t let the overprotectiveness of Mars in Cancer make you possessive over money and resources.

Finally, don’t let your bad mood this week spill over into your relationships when Mercury squares Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius on Sunday. Try to be understanding of the people in your life, and don’t assume anything until you have all the facts.



STYLECASTER | Cancer Zodiac Sign

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Dreams really do come true, Cancer! You’ll find that out this week when both Mercury and the sun enter Taurus on Monday, moving into your friendship zone. If you’ve tried manifesting or made wishes over the last few weeks, a wish could suddenly become reality—if you kept it realistic. Spend time with friends over the next couple weeks and enjoy the windfall!

Communication becomes even more important to you on Tuesday when Vesta goes into direct. Now moving forward in your communication sector, your thought processes becomes smoother and more logical. This could be the perfect time to go back to school or learn something new.

This is especially true when Mars enters your sign on Friday, giving you extra energy and drive. For the next six weeks, you’ll be more motivated to follow your passion and start new projects. However, you’ll also be more sensitive and moody, so keep your emotions in check.



STYLECASTER | Leo Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

You’d better light some serenity candles and try to find some patience quickly, Leo, because the next few weeks are going to seem slow. It all starts when both the sun and Mercury enter Taurus on Monday, a sign not famous for its speed. These planets enter your career zone, putting you on the right path for major achievements. They just may take more time than expected.

However, it doesn’t help that Mars enters Cancer on Friday, making you extra sensitive when the warrior planet enters your privacy sector. While you might feel like waging war on your hidden enemies and yourself, be careful. You could hurt yourself deeply. Remember: you are not the enemy.

Finally, try to keep your work/life balance in check when Mercury squares Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius on Sunday. If you’re too focused on work, you could really damage your personal relationships.



STYLECASTER | Virgo Zodiac Sign

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This week is all about self-improvement, which is one of your favorite things! On Monday, the sun and Mercury enter your fellow earth sign Taurus where they’ll stay for the next few weeks. These planets enter your philosophy zone, encouraging you to create realistic goals when it comes to education, travel, and understanding new ideas.

On Tuesday, Vesta going direct in your sign gives you opportunities for self-discipline as you strive to be the highest version of yourself. This is a great time to start working out, set up a solid work routine, or just take care of yourself.

Friday brings some good vibes your way when Mars enters Cancer, landing in your friendship zone. For the next six weeks, start manifesting what you desire into your life. Use the passion and drive from Mars to lend a helping hand to others. Unleash your inner humanitarian, Virgo!



STYLECASTER | Libra Zodiac Sign

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Springtime brings growth and change this week when Mercury and the sun enter Taurus on Monday, landing in your intimacy zone. The next few weeks will feel like a transformational period as you develop stronger bonds with some people and cut ties with others. Embrace the art of letting go, Libra.

Starting Friday, your focus shifts to your public image and job because Mars will be in Cancer for the next six weeks. Mars enters your career zone that day, motivating you to go after what you want in your work and building a good reputation. However, don’t let emotions cloud your ambition. You need to stay focused to get what you want.

The week ends on a sensual note when Mercury conjoins Venus in your intimacy zone, encouraging you to create a deeper romantic bond with your love interest. This is a great day to explore taboos and build a lasting connection.



STYLECASTER | Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Could romance be blossoming for you this week, Scorpio? All signs point to yes when Mercury and the sun enter Taurus on Monday, landing in your partnership zone. For the next few weeks, you’ll be looking for the perfect partner or strengthening your love affair. Either way, it’ll be a busy spring.

Get ready for some adventure when Mars enters Cancer on Friday, where it will stay for the next six weeks. Your ruling planet enters your philosophy zone, encouraging you to start making major travel plans or go on a quest for knowledge. Be forewarned that some discoveries you make may not be pleasant.

Fortunately, the week ends on a sensual note when Mercury conjoins Venus in your partnership zone, creating a magical day of love and romance. If you’re single, it’s the perfect day to meet someone. If you’re in a relationship, make it a night you won’t forget.



STYLECASTER | Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

Spring brings opportunities for self-improvement and helping others when the sun and Mercury enter Taurus on Monday, landing in your sector of routine and habit. As you do your spring cleaning, clear out all your bad habits and start fresh. Create a solid routine, work toward your goals, and be of service when you can.

The theme of letting go continues when Mars enters Cancer on Friday. The planet of passion and drive enters your intimacy zone, making it an intense six weeks as you’re forced to let go of what is no longer serving you so you can push forward in life. This is a rebirth of sorts for you, Sagittarius, as you bloom into a new beginning.

The week ends on a sluggish note when Mercury squares Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius on Sunday. Productivity could be difficult because it’ll be easy to lose focus. Try to pay attention!



STYLECASTER | Capricorn Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

The week begins on a sensual and indulgent note when the sun and Mercury enter Taurus on Monday, landing in your pleasure zone where they’ll be for the next couple weeks. This is an entertaining time because you’ll be able to express yourself creatively without losing your head to wild ideas. Enjoy yourself, and don’t be afraid to get a little physical!

Romance continues when Mars enters Cancer on Friday, where it will stay for the next six weeks. Mars enters your partnership zone, encouraging you to seek a partner if you haven’t found one already. However, be warned: this period could also unleash your competitive side. Stay calm, Capricorn.

Be careful when Mercury squares Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius on Sunday. This aspect could have you writing checks you can’t cover. Don’t promise to buy something or spend money until you’re positive you actually have the money.



STYLECASTER | Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

While others may have spring fever, you’re sticking pretty close to home this month. Both the sun and Mercury enter Taurus on Monday, staying in your home zone for a few weeks. This is a great time to take care of domestic affairs and communicate with family.

However, while you’re housebound, you’ll still be pretty productive when Mars enters Cancer on Friday. The red planet enters your sector of habit, encouraging you to work hard at self-improvement, fitness, and your job. This is a good time to work on your mental wellness as you balance work, family, and relaxation.

Things could go a little sideways when Mercury squares Jupiter and Saturn in your sign on Sunday, creating some family drama. While you may feel justified in your argument, make sure you have all the facts before telling off your loved ones. Deep breaths, Aquarius.



STYLECASTER | Pisces Zodiac Sign

Adobe. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.

While slow and steady wins the race, strategy also plays a part in achieving things, something that you’ll learn a lot about this week when the sun and Mercury enter Taurus on Monday. The planets will be in your communication zone for the next few weeks, making you more logical and practical as you find ways to achieve your goals. Worker harder, think smarter.

However, this week isn’t all work. Friday brings fun and enjoyment when Mars enters Cancer and your pleasure zone, where it will stay for the next six weeks. Falling in love is easy during this time, so take an emotional gamble if it feels right. Let your passion take the wheel, Pisces.

Just don’t lose your head. Luckily, Mercury conjoins Venus on Sunday, bringing you back down to earth. Use this aspect to communicate with your partner and discuss what you realistically want from your partnership.


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