There’s no question that Chloe Grace Moretz is an all-around badass. (Just take a look at the epic prank she played on the paparazzi last week.) But even the 20-year-old is subject to disgusting, sexist standards by the entertainment industry.
In a recent interview with Variety, the actress opened up about getting body-shamed by a male co-star when she was 15. Moretz recalled the actor, who played her love interest, telling her he would never be attracted to her off-screen because of her size.
“This guy that was my love interest was like, ‘I’d never date you in a real life,’ and I was like, ‘What?’ And he was like, ‘Yeah, you’re too big for me’—as in my size,” she said. “It was one of the only actors that ever made me cry on set.”
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Though Moretz didn’t reveal the name of her co-star or the project, she placed the body-shamer at around 23 to 25 years old. And given Moretz’s age at the time of the incident, the shaming would’ve happened in either 2012 or 2013, around the time Moretz was shooting films like “Kick-Ass 2,” “Carrie,” and “Movie 43.”
Following the body-shaming remark, Moretz recalled crying to her older brothers. Though she admitted she’s moved past the incident, she still remembers the time as “really dark.”
“I went bawling to my brother and he was like, ‘What happened?’ And I was like, ‘He told me I was too big.’ And my brother was like, ‘What just happened?’ My brother was so angry,” Moretz said. “I had to pick it up and go back on set and pretend he was a love interest, and it was really hard. It just makes you realize that there are some really bad people out there and for some reason, he felt the need to say that to me. You have to kind of forgive and not forget really, but it was just like wow. It was jarring. I look back on it and I was 15, which is really, really dark.”
That wasn’t the only time Moretz said she’s experienced sexism on set, either. In another film, Moretz said a male co-lead told lies to a director to boost his reputation and tear down hers.
“I’ve had a younger male lead ostracize me and bring up fake issues just to try and put me in my place, and make things up to the director…things that are crazy, things that I would never do, unprofessional things that would make no sense,” Moretz said. “I’ve had an actor do that to me. It’s crazy. They have this inferiority issue, and I’m like, ‘You are completely equal to me, you are no different than me. I just happen to be the lead in this movie, and I don’t know why just because you are kind of the smaller character that you’re pushing me into a corner to try and put me down. Little snips that just put you down.”
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As for if she’s ever experienced pay inequality, Moretz suggested that, regardless of pay, respect for women is something she still sees lacking in the film industry.
“Even if you’re being paid equally, it’s the little things, especially if the male lead is bigger than you—you aren’t listened to as much and you take a back seat,” she said.
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