The best Instagram accounts offer visual and practical inspiration, while also giving you a keyhole peek inside someone else’s totally different (and gorgeous) lifestyle. If your own IG feed doesn’t feature a mix of these kinds of inspirational photos along with your friends and the requisite Kardashians and celebs, you’re missing out on some day-brightening eye candy—not to mention some amazing ideas.
Dedicated food bloggers do the rest of the world a huge favor in that they do the hard work of brainstorming and testing recipes, and then post the gorgeous results and instructions for everyone else to borrow and benefit from (hence the lucrative sponsorships and book deals lots of them have landed). Searching Google or Pinterest for a great recipe from these bloggers works fine when you want dinner in an hour, but it’s also nice to have their stunning images and ideas sprinkled throughout your feed.
Below, 10 of the best food bloggers to follow on Instagram RN.
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Andrea Bemis and her husband own a six-acre farm in Parkdale, Oregon. That’s where the majority of the ingredients for her simple, healthy farm-to-table recipes come from. You can feel the labor and love that’s gone into every dish in these beautiful photos.
Blogger Chungah Rhee’s specialty is healthy, quick (seriously—we’re talking as few as five minutes for some of these) recipes that get you in and out of the kitchen, without sacrificing food quality or taste. We’re guessing she spends a little more time on her photos, though—because they’re like (incredibly appetizing) works of art.
A true story of authentic success, Jaclyn Bell is a mom and self-taught cook who started posting about the foods she cooked for her family after being inspired by other people doing the same thing. Her recipes and photos quickly garnered attention and followers, and the blog (and IG feed) features a nice balance of sweet and savory concoctions.
Based in Toronto and cooking out of a closet-sized kitchen—no joke, check out a photo here—Kevin Lynch began his blog with a simple mission: never to eat a boring meal again. From there, his site and fan base (aka the number of people amazed by what he’s able to whip up in such a minuscule space) grew, and his thousands of followers now enjoy daily ’grams of colorful, flavor-packed recipes.
Dana Shultz stays true to her blog’s claim to fame, creating truly minimalist recipes that require 10 ingredients or less, one bowl, or 30 minutes to prepare. They’re also mostly plant-based and gluten-free, making them good for you in addition to gorgeous. Is it any wonder Shultz now has 377,000 followers and counting, plus a book deal?
Macedonian-born mom of two Katerina Petrovska started out, like many food bloggers, throwing together ingredients in a pot or pan, and seeing what happened. That natural curiosity turned into photographing and writing about the recipes she came up with or adapted. Now, you’ll find a medley of traditional, sweet, fusion, and Macedonian-American food on her blog and Instagram feed—all served up in style, humor, and liveliness.
Ali Ebright started blogging out of her kitchen in Kansas City in 2009, and Gimme Some Oven has since grown to be one of the food world’s leading blog sites, featuring easy, tasty, and healthy dishes, many of which cater to specific dietary needs. She’s also become a talented photographer, and the bright, vibrant shots she posts of fruit salad, tacos, pastas, cookies, cocktails, and way more are guaranteed to make your mouth water.
Blogger Kathryne Taylor—aka Kate—is also based in Kansas City, and her blog (which is also named after her adopted mutt, Cookie) focuses on whole foods and vegetarian recipes, something no one seems to be able to get enough of in 2016. She’s a self-proclaimed food-policy and nutrition junkie, and chooses not to cook meat, though chances are, with all of the fresh, delicious produce and grain recipes she features on her blog and Instagram, you won’t even miss it.
Liz Harris is a Newburyport, Massachusetts–based blogger who focuses on fresh, seasonal ingredients and offers a mix of good-for-you savory recipes with some indulgent treats and cocktails thrown in. In addition to the absolutely stunning photos of her own recipes you’ll find on Floating Kitchen, she also posts photos of the irresistible finds she comes across along the way—like these doughnuts she scored at a Massachusetts farmers’ market.
Salt Lake City–based Heidi Larsen started FoodieCrush in 2011 with the intention of creating “an online magazine featuring the web’s most innovative food bloggers, their recipes, and photography” after working as an art director for various regional Utah magazines. Now, her blog features a combo of her own amazing recipes, along with other food bloggers she’s following and loving right now.
Originally published August 2016. Updated September 2017.
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