It might have been Thanksgiving break last week, but that didn’t stop the internet trolls from focusing their attention on Lucy Hale‘s body. On Saturday, the 28-year-old actress was viciously body-shamed for an Instagram picture which several on the internet deemed as “too skinny.”
The photo showed the “Pretty Little Liars” standing in her closet in blue jeans and a black t-shirt tied at her waist. Though the picture didn’t include a caption, trolls found a lot to talk about in Hale’s caption, particularly about her body.
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The body-shamers primarily used words like “so thin” and “too skinny” to describe the actress, speculating that she was in poor health because of her weight. The shamers also accused Hale of losing weight rapidly and asked her to “eat something” to bulk up. A few of the comments included:
“Please eat something baby girl ur so beautiful but you look so skinny.”
“Woow you really lost weight. I’ve been watching #PLL all 7 seasons in just 1 month and Im not used seeing you that slim.”
“Oh my! She’s getting so skinny.”
“You are pretty, and a good actress. This is way too skinny. You look healthier in your previous photos.”
“Looking a tad skinny hope you’re doing ok.”
“Nooo too skinny you’re so beautiful but that doesn’t look healthy.”
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As of yet, Hale hasn’t responded to the body-shamers—nor should she feel the need to. Body-shaming is never OK, and, given that Hale has suffered from an eating disorder in the past and has spoken out about the danger of calling people “thin” and “anorexic,” body image is a strong subject to her. No one knows better about Hale’s health than Hale, so body-shamers, keep your comments to yourself and stop speculating. Please.
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