
viernes, 17 de julio de 2020

Chrissy Teigen’s Tweets About John Legend’s Infidelity & Q-Anon Are All Private Now

Following Chrissy Teigen’s tweeted response to John Legend’s cheating admission, the 34-year-old television personality has been treating Twitter a little differently. She’s now approaching the platform with a lot more caution by deciding to make her account private. But for someone famous for their quirky and candid tweets, you have to wonder why. Turns out, the answer has as much to do with her hubby John Legend as it does with—wait for it—Jeffrey Epstein.

Yep. Convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who died in custody while awaiting trial on federal sex trafficking charges in 2019. For those of you who weren’t previously following Chrissy, you might have missed a bunch of her recent tweets that led to this strange connection. On July 13, Chrissy made headlines after her husband John, 41, confessed to “a history” of cheating “especially” in his 20s before meeting her; she cheekily tweeted, “especially’?? the other sh*t is the 10’s and 30’s so u better be talking the tens, idiot,” in response. But days after the lighthearted exchange, things on Chrissy’s Twitter took a turn for the worse.

The social media personality and her husband have long been the subject of conspiracy theories surrounding Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophilia network. Far-right “QAnon” conspiracists (the same individuals behind the debunked pizzagate theory) have been routinely targeting Chrissy and John since at least 2017 on Twitter, claiming that they were involved in Epstein’s ring. Now with the recent news surrounding the July 2020 arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell (Epstein’s associate and former girlfriend), the QAnon crowd has resurfaced in full force to levy accusations against the mother of two.

Instagram PhotoSource: Instagram

In an effort to protect her family and privacy, Chrissy has since gone private on Twitter, blocked over a million Twitter users and deleted over 60,000 of her own tweets. On July 14, she also spoke out in response to the accusations against her.

“Every time I post food, some q anon loser asks if it contains baby,” she tweeted. “I’m honestly just gonna start posting things to drive them even more bats**t insane. Also like, was I on the island, do I eat babies, or just put them on my skin, or am a pedo?? like I’m everything? pick a lane.”

The model also responded to several tweets from conspiracy believers. One Twitter user wrote, “Some celebrities have been VERY busy since #GhislaineMaxwell was arrested, @chrissyteigen why did you delete over 28,000 tweets yesterday??!!’

Chrissy quote-tweeted the question. “I actually deleted 60,000 tweets because I cannot f**king STAND you idiots anymore and I’m worried for my family,” she replied, referencing a now-deleted tweet about US reality show, Toddlers and Tiaras. “Finding me talking about toddlers and tiaras in 2013 and thinking you’re some sort of f**king operative.”

The star later confirmed that she blocked “over one million people” using a Twitter block chain which enabled her to block followers of QAnon accounts. “I have block chained over one million people, ONE MILLION people today and I am still flooded with sick psychopaths,” she tweeted. “So please, spare me the “just ignore them, they’re just trolls.”

Instagram PhotoSource: Instagram

“Anyhow I’ll do my best to stop entertaining them. They have definitely been living for this and have zeroed in on ONLY me. Thank u to EVERYONE for helping me, in and out of the dm’s,” she added. “People I’ve never met have been so, so kind and huge thank you to [journalist] @yashar especially.”

It’s all in an effort to protect her “family and job,” Chrissy explained, urging Twitter to step in. “I have a family and job and there are too many to target,” she wrote. “I’ve tried everything. Every lawyer says it will take many years and not change a f***ing thing. Because they will ALWAYS be crazy.”

Chrissy added, “They have no idea how hard this is to cope with. They won’t stop until I die. I’m convinced of it. And even then they’ll think of another conspiracy.”

Here’s hoping that Chrissy can find some peace after this—it sure has been one heck of a week for her!

StyleCaster Entertainment News Letter

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