
jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2020

Aquarius, Your 2021 Horoscope Urges You To Put Yourself First

You probably spent a lot of time alone during 2020, reconnecting with your spirituality and understanding your psyche on a close and personal level. Saturn transited your twelfth house of solitude and subconscious, encouraging you to grapple with the thoughts and feelings you’ve been holding inside and heal your heart. You’re coming out of the experience refreshed and ready for what comes next. Your Aquarius 2021 horoscope has the scoop, and it’s a lot.


This year, your love life is about you. It’s about strengthening your relationship with yourself and embracing a deeper commitment to yourself. As Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter join forces in your first house of the self during February, you will nurture a love life that supports your personal growth.

You’ll be able to infuse your relationships with lasting passion from March to April, as Mars in your flirty fifth house connects with Saturn and Jupiter. While Mercury will retrograde through your romance sector from May to June, kicking up drama, a solar eclipse in mid-June will put your love to the test. The passion and intensity will reach new heights by mid-July, when Venus and Mars dance in your seventh house of partnerships.


2021 is filled with new beginnings, especially as they pertain to your career goals and your ultimate purpose. Saturn and Jupiter will move through your first house of the self, rebuilding your identity, and Jupiter will take a brief tour through your second house of finances from May to July, attracting abundance and disposable income.

When Mercury retrogrades in your first house from January to February, however, you may feel disoriented and disconnected. Let spontaneity and adventure fuel your projects from September to October, when Mars in your expansive ninth house connects with Saturn and Jupiter.

Later, friction and instability will rock your career during November, when Mars in your ambitious tenth house opposes Uranus.


Make no mistake—2021 is going to be a ton of work. In fact, you might come out of it feeling like a completely different person. Saturn and Jupiter are reshaping your very persona and putting you through one obstacle after another, strengthening your confidence in the long run.

You’re becoming the adult you know you can be! But don’t worry, it’ll still be fun. After all, the North Node is guiding you toward your fifth house of play and pleasure, inspiring creativity every step of the way.

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