
jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2020

Libra, Your 2021 Horoscope Says You’ll Have Your Most Creative Year Yet

Libra, you spent most of 2020 fully immersed in your own emotions. After all, Saturn was transiting your fourth house of home and roots, bringing up unresolved family drama and forcing you to build the most sacred corner for your life with the strongest foundation. However, you’re coming away from it all with a stronger connection to your home—and an even stronger understanding of your own heart. Fortunately, the tides are turning, and your Libra 2021 horoscope has the scoop on what’s next.


Throughout 2021, there may be times where it feels like the spark has left the building. Saturn and Jupiter are rearranging your fifth house of romance, encouraging you to evoke that spark of love yourself. Love takes patience and effort! Discover new ways to create it.

Drama in your love life might reach new heights from January to February, when Mercury retrogrades in your fifth house. However, from late September to mid-October, you may experience breakthroughs in your love life as Mars in your first house of the self forms a trine with Saturn and Jupiter.


From May to July, a powerful period of productivity will commence as Jupiter enhances your sixth house of routine. This will activate your desire to improve your work ethic and tap into your practical side as you work toward your goals.

From late May to mid-June, solar and lunar eclipses will take place in your third house of communication and your educated ninth house, inspiring you to learn more about your field and brush up on your knowledge of the craft. However, disorganization might cause confusion in your career from September to October, when Mercury retrogrades through your first house of the self.


Now that Saturn is no longer forming a square to your zodiac sign, there’s a strong chance there will be a lot less pressure on your shoulders come 2021. You’re spending this year rediscovering your creativity and reconnecting with your inner child as Saturn inhibits your artistic fifth house.

It’s time to face the fear that’s preventing you from expressing yourself! Embracing fresh perspectives, grabbing hold of spontaneous opportunities, and living with a sense of adventure will get you far as the North Node travels through your wise ninth house.


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