
jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2020

Not To Be Dramatic, Aries, But Your Horoscope Predicts An Incredible 2021

Oh, Aries. During 2020, there were so many obstacles holding you back. After all, Mars—your ruling planet—spent a whopping six months in your first house of the self, pushing you to go hard and prove yourself to everyone. Then, when Mars stationed retrograde, it may have forced you to return to the drawing board and bottle that noise right back up. Luckily, 2021 is singing a different tune and your Aries 2021 horoscope will prove it.


This year, you’re strengthening worthwhile friendships and meeting new people, one of whom might become something more! In late April, Venus will enter your zodiac sign, increasing your confidence, attractiveness and self-love. By mid-April, a secret crush may even make themselves known when Venus forms conjunction with Uranus in your undercover twelfth house.

However, unhealed wounds from the past may create problems when Venus squares off with Saturn and Pluto by late April. Luckily, you can expect major sparks to fly by mid-July. Venus and Mars will form a sexy conjunction in your playful and romantic fifth house, ensuring a love story for the ages.


An unexpected financial venture could take you by a storm when the year begins. In late January, Mars and Uranus will meet in your second house of money, inspiring you to make cash in a fresh way. Between late May and mid-June, eclipses in your intellectual and philosophical sector will lead you to learn new work-related topics and techniques.

During September, Mars in your productive sixth house will form a trine with Pluto, giving you a boost of motivation and diligence in your everyday life. However, by November, Mars in your committed eighth house will oppose Uranus, causing long-standing investments to crumble.


2021 will help you tap into your inner humanitarian and connect with like-minded people who share your same vision for the future. Saturn and Jupiter will spend the year redesigning your eleventh house of community and friendship, encouraging you to leave behind social circles that you’ve outgrown as you forge a deeper and more profound connection to the collective.

With the North Node continuing its journey through your communication sector, it’s tapping into your intellect and speaking your mind, bringing you closer to your higher self! All in all, you’re in for a stellar year of growth.

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