
jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2020

Virgo, Your 2021 Horoscope Is All About Achieving Your Goals

2020 was a busy year for you, Virgo! As the North Node made its entrance into your tenth house of career, you spent the year realizing that success wasn’t just going to fall in your lap; you had to go out and compete for it. Solar and lunar eclipses activated the balance between your personal life and your public life, possibly even forcing you to choose between your goals and your inner needs. You probably felt like 2020 just wasn’t that fun, thanks to Saturn inhibiting your fifth house of creativity and joy. Luckily, some of that darkness will lift next year, according to your Virgo 2021 horoscope.


Now that Saturn has moved out of your romantic fifth house, love is flowing to you with abundance and ease! The romance will turn deep and intoxicating in late January, when Venus and Pluto lace fingers in your passionate fifth house, giving you intense heart-eyes. When Jupiter enters your seventh house of partnerships, the chances of you forming beautiful partnerships will greatly increase, putting you in a beautiful position for emotional closeness. That intensity will return by mid-December; however, this is also when Venus will station retrograde in your flirtatious fifth house, turning up the drama at the end of the year.


You’re spending the year getting your hands dirty and being practical about your goals. As Saturn moves through your sixth house of health and routine, it will reveal the negative effects of your everyday habits and push you to make better use of your time.

You’ll make lasting changes to your work ethic by late March and early April, when Mars in your ambitious tenth house connects with Saturn and Jupiter. However, the road might get rocky from May to June. Mercury—your ruling planet—will station retrograde in your ambitious tenth house and a solar eclipse will spark a new beginning in your career.


You owe it to yourself to really fight for your goals this coming year. As the North Node continues to transit your tenth house of social status, the cosmos will reward you every time get back up and try again.

This year, you’re taking authority over your life and becoming your own boss! While lifestyle choices might catch up with you as Saturn evokes karma in your sixth house of well-being, this year is also an opportunity for you to practice making better decisions for yourself and improve your self-care routines.


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