Lena Dunham gives zero fucks with appearing on “Worst Dressed” lists—in fact, it gives her “pleasure.” In a recent interview with E!, the 31-year-old actress hit back at the public’s frequent criticism of her fashion choices, and why she no longer cares about “fitting into” anyone’s standard. “I even like ending up on that ‘Good People, Bad Clothes’ page or whatever it’s called,” Dunham said. “That stuff gives me pleasure.”
However, Dunham didn’t always have such a strong sense of personal style. It wasn’t until she had a revelation with fashion and realized clothes were about “personal choice and personal voice” that she stopped caring about outside opinions on what she wore. “There are a few pictures of me in, like, a weird shift dress and a blowout from early on where I’m like, ‘I’m not hosting a morning television show!’ but I thought there was some [image] that you had to fit into,” Dunham said said. “Now I understand that it doesn’t matter.”
Now, Dunham lives by her own style rules. She equates clothes to costumes in the sense that whatever makes her feel “strong” or “condient” in the morning is what she puts on.”We want to be strong and ready to go,” Dunham said. “Think about what is going to make you feel the most confident and like yourself.”
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As for what she’s been up to since her HBO series, “Girls,” ended in April, Dunham teased on Friday that a new television show is in the works. When asked by People if she’s had a difficult time adjusting to life post-“Girls,” Dunham and “Girls” co-creator, Jenni Konner, admitted that they’ve been keeping busy with their feminist newsletter, Lenny, and a hot new show.
“It has been weird and kind of hard to get out of bed, but Lenny helps us through that and we’re now working on a new show” Konner said.
“We’re back in business,” Dunham added.
“It wasn’t that bad for that long,” Konner continued.
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Though details of Konner and Dunham’s project are being kept tightly under wraps, Dunham, who is also working on a HBO docuseries based on Lenny, hinted that the new show will be reminiscent to “Girls.” “We can’t say anything right now except that you’ll definitely see some more awkward situations and people showing their darker selves,” she said.
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