
miércoles, 1 de noviembre de 2017

Your November 2017 Horoscope Has Arrived

Sparks will fly early in November, as the full moon (Saturday, November 4th at 1:23am EST) peaks in tandem with a spirited exchange between loving Venus and disruptive Uranus. Neptune further confuses our wants and needs during this weekend, as individuality, our sense of ownership, and the security we’ve established clashes with new ideals: plans to redistribute power equally.

MORE: How to Decorate According to Your Zodiac Sign

Planets have recently gathered in the Scorpio constellation, exposing dark undertones. Saturday, November 18th (at 6:42am EST) offers up a new moon and fresh starts around the most intimate, sensitive subjects. Having gained solid ground and ready for new beginnings, we might ask, “What are we going to do with it?” Consider the possibilities of what can arise from ashes. There could be birthing pains, yet we’re ready to transform, deeply empowered by the metamorphosis that’s upon us.

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